Tidal interface and a usb to spdif

Hi all. Merry new year.

I have tidal now and am running on a unitiqute muso 1st gen and muso qb 1st gen

How clunky is the window in, can you search for a track and play it, I have to go onto the tidal app add the tracks I like then pick them up on the Naim app.

So before I decide what to do I figured I would try to use my mac book and some sort of usbc to coax box, then plug it into my ndac

I only want to see how 192-24 plays, I know there are lots of alternatives to Naim streamers, but I just want to spend around £50 on a solution for my MacBook, and know it will not sound the best. But will be better than my mactv with a fibre to my m dac

Anyone had any joy with a cheap cable/box of tricks for usbc

Unfortunately none of my devices support quboz.

You can use Bubble App or MConnect to play Qobuz on your Mu-so. Bubble only works on Android though.

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