Tidal Max not working

Finally made the effort yesterday to migrate all my likes and playlists from Qobuz to Tidal and to unsubscribe from Qobuz. Been using Tidal almost exclusively these days.

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Goood :+1:

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Tidal query here.
24 bit streaming at 16 bit to Atom HE, is it a Tidal or Naim setting i need to faff around with?

Search the forum, countless posts.

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When New FW for Naim streamers will be available. ?

No one really knows but this is the latest into

As an owner of a CD5si and an XS3, my next logical Naim purchase would be an ND5 XS2. I would use it as a DAC and to stream Tidal - I have the top tier. I currently use a newish Dell laptop as streaming transport via USB into my Arcam D33. The advantage of this combo is that the Tidal desktop app is regularly updated and has become more stable in terms of set-up settings over time. Yes I have to get out of seat to change an album but my DAC has transport controls through the remote that enable me to play, pause, skip etc. As an added bonus, as Arcam and Naim share many remote codes, I can control the XS3’s volume from the same remote.

Ultimately and unfortunately, until Naim sort this out for their current generation streamers, they are not an option for me personally.

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Got this, via email, from Naim HQ this week:

“Currently, Niam streaming products cannot play Tidal’s highest resolution streaming files because these are exclusive to their Tidal Max tier. Even if you have Tidal Max, unfortunately, it’s not yet integrated into the Focal Naim app. We’re still waiting for the Tidal Max API details from Tidal themselves, but we expect to receive them by the end of summer. Once we have them, we can code and integrate Tidal Max support into our app”


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“but we expect to receive them by the end of summer.”

Is this a joke?


Thamks for sharing.

An utter shambles!

First, why aren’t Naim pushing this news out to all current streamer owners coupled with an apology for not getting on top of this much, much sooner? Are they a serious high end hifi manufacturer or not?

Secondly, if they sre not going to start work any time soon (end of the summer) the working solution is clearly months away. Late 2024 or early 2025?

This is a PR disaster for Naim and it is difficult to understand how they have handled it so very, very badly.

That’s not what Steve said yesterday. I believe marketing and support is not aligned with R&D on this. The API has been available for long since they are at final stage for 3rd parties to approve.

"The R&D team are super keen to push Tidal Hi-Res out for everyone to enjoy. It is currently with 3rd parties to approve, then there’s code migration to integrate into the release branch of code etc…

the hard work has been done"


It’s not Naim, it’s Niam :upside_down_face:, and there is not a Max tier from some time.
Out of sync…

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The original quote suggests it is the app that is the issue, so no firmware update required. Which is it? I thought the app merely told the streamer where to find what to play.

If different bits of Naim cannot sing with one voice on spmething like this, that speaks volumes.

The lack of and then confused messaging exacerbates the apparent ineptitude at getting this resolved.

This ongoing shambles is really tainting the Naim brand for me, having first purchased only a few years ago. I’m almost tempted to post the quote above on every Naim social media post designed to achieve sales of streaming products to warn others that, for Tidal purposes, Naim is currently an inferiror product.

That’s not very reassuring.

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Perhaps you should stop being a keyboard warrior and take a deep breath. Posting vitriol on social media would be a really nasty thing to do. A firmware update is required in order to allow high res Tidal, and it’s something Naim are working on. It’s not as simple a thing as many seem to think.


Just to clarify this was a “copy and paste” of a reply from the “support” team…

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I’m not going to post that quote, despite it being Naim’s own words, so factual rather than vitriol. The 2 quotes above cannot both be correct, so one bit of Naim is apparently giving false information to its loyal customers, which I find wholly unacceptable even if others do not. That compounds what I regard as the very unsatisfactory handling of this issue.

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It doesn’t appear to be looking that way.

Naim are a successful company but not a huge one. Things don’t always move as we would wish but they will be moving.

I’m sure the email from support was an honest mistake. We all make them, and it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that you do to. So get down off your high horse, and wait like everyone else. You wouldn’t want to sound entitled, would you?


Go-ahead post on social media, beat the drum, shout it from the roof tops, ‘Hey World, Naim is an inferior products far as Tidal is concerned’.

What will happen once you have done this, well apart from you being able to puff your chest out and walk around with a glow about you knowing that you put the world to right about Naim and Tidal, absolutely nothing.

Tidal Max isn’t on Naim products at this moment, it wasn’t there when you bought your products, you will get it when Naim are ready to release it, so until then enjoy what you have.

Of course if you’re still unhappy you could flog all your Naim kit and replace it with Tidal Max friendly products if having Tidal Max is so important to you.