Tidal Max not working

No hi-res for Tidal on gen 1 streamers … Which is fine and fully understandable @davidhendon … But I would expect Tidal Max come to gen 2 streamers … the Mu-so gen 2 and QB gen 2 should be able to easily handle that … let alone all higher end devices with the StreamUnlimited 800 streaming board

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Yes I would expect that too.

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Streaming unlimited which manufacture the streaming board naim use have just released their software developing kit update which include support for Tidal Max through Connect so now Naim can start implementing it onto the products they use this streaming board (800).


I would expect that the NSS 333 will be able to handle Tidal Hi-res after the update, otherwise this is very disappointing


I finally signed up for Tidal the other night while in my studio, and was blown away by the imaging on some of my go-to tracks streaming in Max quality, even compared with my reference CD rips… so I rushed home in excitement to listen through my little-used NDS XS 2… and spent the following 3 hours trying to figure out why I could only stream HiFi… only then remembering this forum.

Come on Naim, sort this out please. It will be a revelation for some of us streaming begrudgers, I know it.


Use something like mConnect as a workaround until new firmware arrives.

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Thank you! The lite (free) version works perfectly. Would still prefer to use the Naim or Tidal apps directly. But this is a hassle free workaround.


The 333 uses the same streaming board as Uniti all-in-one players and the previous streamers (ND5XS2, NDX2, ND555) so when Tidal 24 bit streams become available, it should be on all of these devices.


Do you hear any significant difference then?

It’s not about the difference, but it’s the principle. If I buy an expensive top range streamer which specifications indicate that it can stream 24 bit audio and it is suitable for Tidal (connect) I expect that this player can do this.


Yes absolutely.
The really noticeable difference is the extra clarity at lower volume levels.


Good :+1: Let’s hope Naim fixes the problem soon.


The question was not directed to you.

:+1: sorry


It’ll be interesting to see if the free upgrading of the HiFi tier to include hi-res streams will sufficiently increase demand for manufacturers to get on with support.

mconnect can UPnP Tidal FLAC 24/96 to my 1st gen Mu-So Qb. Absolutely no issues or dropouts at all.


I see Naim are pushing the NSS 333, Nova PE and Mu-so / Qb 2nd generation via slick posts on X (while still having the 3 months’ worth of free Tidal promo) so clearly know the value of good comms; but at the same time Naim cannot muster a single official word to the loyal customers who have now been waiting over half a year for Tidal Max.

Presumably Naim don’t think we’ll just forget about it. The threads/posts on here are mounting up. Either it can be done or it can’t and they are working on it or they are not. Why not just say when they are aiming to release an update? It smacks of arrogance (IMHO) to maintain radio silence on something which clearly means a lot to loyal customers who’ve spent £000s on Naim kit to get the best SQ at a given price point.

I get that new sales are important for survival of the brand, but what are dealers saying if/when asked whether current Naim kit can stream Tidal Max? Quite an awkward position for a responsible dealer to be placed in if they know Naim is lagging behind other brands on this service. An unhappy new customer/returned product is bad for everyone involved.


I spoke to a dealer this week who is losing 333 sales because there’s no Tidal Max support. They were quite frustrated.

The current position makes all current “for sale” naim devices such as NDX2 and 333 look like obsolete bricks. Few new to brand customers will commit £9K on a streamer with a “maybe” on features most other vendors delivered long ago.

We all understand naim were hampered by StreamUnlimited not supporting Max, but that’s now been delivered so a timeline from naim for firmware support would be great.

Perhaps we should all bombard Facebook and X posts with “why don’t you support Tidal Max”….

After all, on Facebook, naim state this about the 333….

favoured by audiophiles as the ultimate high-resolution streamer.

:question: simply not true


Really? Mine work’s perfectly without any connection to tidal.

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I recall new features were promised for gen 1 streamers last year alongside current models and as that hasn’t materialised yet I wouldn’t hold your breath.