Tips on hifi cafes in Tokyo and Kyoto

I’ll be spending 12 days in Japan in mid May with two siblings and their partners and my daughter. I gather hifi cafes are a “ thing” in Japan. They want to go to Disneyland and hedgehog cafes and temples. I just wanna chill with some tunes. We’re be 7 days in Tokyo and 2 in Kyoto. Any tips?

Use google translate on this site: 懐かしいアナログサウンドと珈琲の香り 音楽喫茶へようこそ - AFFLUENT-アフルエント | 人生をより豊かにする大人のためのハイエンドメディア

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You need to visit Music Bar Cave Shibuya in Tokyo - not far from the famous crossing and Tower Records in Tokyo. They use Macintosh amps, huge old Tannoy speakers and mix from TWO Linn LP12s!


I’m in Tokyo May 12-15 and Kyoto 19-21 with the same idea and motivation!
Suggestions on jazz/nightclubs too appreciated.

Westminster Royals! Great speakers.

I was unaware of the existence of such places when we had a holiday in Japan - but then we were rather busy, and in the few nights we had in Tokyo there were focused more on sushi and sake than Schubert and Sade.

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@TheKevster Thanks for the tip. That sounds perfect if you’ll forgive the pun.

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@feeling_zen Thanks so much. Look like there are a few I’d like to visit.