Today is the day for hi-res Tidal

I figured it out :upside_down_face:

There’s 3 versions of the album on Tidal!

  1. Atmos
  2. 16/48
  3. 24/192

Not sure why 2 exists. Perhaps they didn’t want to leave the conversion up to Tidal?

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I just deleted and re-instated the Tidal App and I now get the 24/192 version of the new Knopfler Album, not sure why I had to do that to get fhe full Hi-Res version, but there you go.
Thanks for the help, maybe a refresh of the Tidal App now and again is the way to go.

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It was likely logging out then in again that did it. Initially, mconnectLite did not show the Hires opiton to select, but after logging out of Tidal and back in again (via the mconnectLite app) it appeared and allowed selection.


I had a similar problem using mconnect. My ‘fix’ was to log out of the Tidal app (on my android) - then logout of Tidal within the Focal and Naim app - then logout of Tidal within the mconnect app. Then log back into them all again (in the same order). I can now stream to my Star at the higher resolution using mconnect.

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Bubbleupnp on my android plays Tidal on Nac-N272. Is that the resolution I’m listening to, Flac 176.4/24…? As you know I can usually only stream 16/44 over my Nac272.
After playing from Bubbleupnp, I then played with my normal Tidal streaming 16/44 from my Nac and I don’t think I can hear any difference… Maybe I should give it more time in listening

Further to my previous post, the problem of losing hifi resolution when using mconnect to play Tidal music on my Star has reappeared!

I asked an AI program the following question, “Why does mconnect keep loosing the highfi tidal setting when selecting uppnp to my Naim Uniti Star?” . . . and got the following answer:

The issue with the Tidal settings being lost on the mConnect app when streaming to a Naim Uniti Star appears to be a known problem that several users have experienced
The key points are:
When using Tidal Connect to stream to the Naim Uniti Star, the Tidal app on the mobile device (e.g. iPhone/iPad) is just telling the Tidal server what to play. The Uniti Star then communicates directly with the Tidal server
However, the Naim app seems to have issues maintaining the Tidal quality settings, often reverting back to a lower quality “High” setting instead of the desired “HiFi” or “Max” quality
This appears to be a compatibility issue between the Naim app, Tidal’s API, and the Uniti Star’s capabilities. Naim and Tidal likely need to work together to resolve this problem
Some users have reported that logging out and back in to Tidal on the Naim app, or changing the Tidal password, can temporarily resolve the issue
. But the problem often returns.
In summary, the root cause seems to be a software/integration issue between the Naim app, Tidal’s service, and the Uniti Star’s streaming capabilities. A fix likely requires coordination between Naim and Tidal to properly maintain the desired Tidal quality settings when using Tidal Connect

Indeed. I thought I had finally sorted this mconnectLite issue and had it playing hires. A couple of days later I tried to play hires again and had to log out of Tidal and in again (within the mconnectLite app) to get the setting available again and selectable.

Seems to be a lot of references to the Naim app - which you are not using - and very little mention of the mConnect app - which you are using.

You are more lucky than me. For myself, I had to restart the Nds every hour. It’s not stable. Lots of freezes.
Hopefully i only stream locally today.

Why? Hi-Res is anything with a bitrate equal or higher than 16 and a sample rate equal or higher than 44.1kHz with at least one of those being over their minimum value. So 16/48 fits the definition of hi-res.

Although this album can be streamed from Tidal at 192/24 ………

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I just read a french review on the magazine Audiophile magazine France, on the Jplay app.
The reviewer used an Hifi Rose, Esoteric and Lumin streamers.
He compared the Jplay app vs the Lumin, Mconnect and Roon.
For him, the Jplay won easily as for sound quality : better tones, timbers, attack of notes, decay. Easy discernible difference, for him.
I tried it one year ago but it didn’t worked well. I will try again.

Tidal max now working in Roon. V nice. Need to consider if continuing running both Qobuz and Tidal is still justifiable but don’t want to see Qobuz go pop……

I have to agree! It seems like mconnect is causing the problem. If I logout of Tidal on mconnect then log back in, I can play hires tracks. If I then close down mconnect then reopen it, the quality reverts back to 16/44.1. Definitely a pain in the ass!

I think I have now reached the stage where I give up . . . and will just listen to music at the lower resolution using Tidal Connect. To be honest, I’m not even sure I can tell the difference between the resolution qualities . . . but it would be nice to be able to try.


Guys, I am confused with all above posts.
I am about to purchase ND5XS2.
Will this streamer support TIDAL HIRES via Tidal Connect or via Tidal inside Naim application?

Not until Naim release a firmware update which will hopefully be very soon. In the meantime there are simple cost-free workarounds.

could you recommend a work around ?

Personally I use bubbleupnp server running on my NAS in conjunction with bubble dlna player app on my Android devices. The Linn app will also work with bubble upnp server and that is available on iOS and Android (bubble player is Android only).
The mconnect app apparently works too without the need for bubble server.


Wow! Mconnect! How easy. Finally have Tidal hires, MQA, Max, etc. on my NDX 2. Thanks.