Trading it all in

This observation is completely contrary to my own experiences. Improvements I heard in my dealer’s demo room were easily reproduced in my listening room at home.



You were right, it’s not that simple. HiCAP, Flatcap, Supercap could power sources CD3.5, CD5, CD5XS, SNAXO crossovers, Headline HA, as well as preamps, NAPSC could power Headline as well as digital sections of preamps NAC82, NAC282, NAC102, NAC202, SNAPS could power certain early NAT sources as well as preamps, but certain digital sources (other than those mentioned) were partners for CD555PS and XPS. Not sure why anyone thought there was scope for confusion :wink:



I replaced my NAP 200 by a NAP 250NC and unsurprisingly this was a major improvement, even if I use a cheap interconnect. The only negative point is the lack of market for a used NAP 200 in France at least.


Replacing an existing NAP with a 250 (any version), is likely to give a significant improvement… :slightly_smiling_face:

I think dems at a dealer are fine for comparing A vs B (or C or D…), but - a home dem with the final selection is often worthwhile.

These days, I rarely do dealer dems. My dealer is kind enough to let me ‘borrow’ things. None has yet gone back… :expressionless:

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With all your kit ‘borrowed’, that’s a good way of acquiring it!
Unless you are another demo room off-site, for the said dealer?

We’re changing from a ten box system to a one box system.

Going for a Linn Selekt Edition DSM Hub with Utopik and two Stereo Power Amp Cartridges with two Organik DAC Modules.

Changing from;

  • Linn Klimax DS/3 Katalyst
  • Naim NAC 282 + NAPSC
  • Naim SNAXO 242 (T606)
  • Naim NAP 250.2
  • Naim NAP 250 DR
  • Naim Supercap DR x 2
  • Naim Headline + NAPSC

Keeping the Kudos Titan 606 Loudspeakers though.



No… :thinking:

Play it and you’ll know.

I’ve heard enough systems at hi-fi shows and in showroom dems to appreciate that one should not jump to conclusions.

However, there was something not right about this particular combo, some things sounded fine but other things less so. The Naim employee present accompanied me from the 200 series room to the 300 series room and we replayed the track, then he understood my disappointment with the previous system.

It’s a snapshot and the problem with hearing a demo you don’t like is that usually you don’t get the opportunity to figure out what is causing dissatisfaction.

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Wow- will be interested to hear how that goes going forward.

If anything my dealer demos sound better than my home b/c the dealer’s room is an ideal environment. Where my home has your typical things that may not be conducive to ideal SQ. Like a TV on the wall, windows, etc. So if I don’t get on with it at the dealer I don’t expect to get on with it at home. If it doesn’t pass muster at the dealer I won’t likely bother with a home demo.


Perhaps nsc222 and a pair of active speakers? SCM40A comes to mind…

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