Troika anyone?

Will send email. ( hope your email still works )

Mybriks site needs a major upgrade. :grimacing:

P.S. I got a second shagged Troika which needs to go to Goldring, too!


Excellent!! Speak later!

I have found memories of my Troika and it took until the release of the Kandid until I was ever over the moon and satisfied with a cartridge again!


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Err… no kiddin’ there!!!

Workin’ on it! :art:

My Troika has just come back from a Goldring service, looking in very fine fettle: they even touched up the paint!!!

Can’t wait to get it fitted – I haven’t heard one for about thirty years!


Looks great Tim.
How long did you have to wait for the rebuild? I reckon David is swamped with orders.

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Kuma – about three weeks: not too shabby, really… I’ve sent you an email with my latest developments ;0)

Wish I’d never traded in my Linn Axis. Just missed the ability to buy a Troika when wages started coming in :neutral_face:

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It should not be bright loaded into a Naim MC input with 470ohm (but brighter via K560ohm.)
If anything it should be 1/2 db down or neutral in the M/R presence area this has some effect on exposing a rather delicate treble which does not go into high peak which is so
common to many MC cartridges.
To my knowledge Goldring do the closest rebuild to the original but they do a fair bit to it
like replacing the coil windings, i don’t see why you would notice much improvement after
5 hours use.
Edit. Some thing i keep overlooking is those fabulous “unbreakable” lead out wires which
removes all the very audible effects of various H/Shell wires which contaminate the sound of all other cartridges.


To be fair my perception of it being bright was on a 20 year old memory before my son trashed the cantilever. As the Troika ran in it sweetened and I’m not sure I’d now call it bright . Also a lot of water has run under that paticular bridge since that post. I no longer have the NAC72 but a NAC282 +HC Dr + ‘K’ stageline.

I have some info for anyone with a Hanna SL. I bought one 2 weeks ago out of curiosity and also to see if i needed a reality check!
Cartridges in recent use are.
TROIKA Elliptical (permanent LP12)
A.T. ART 9. Shibata Plus (sent back)
ATOC9 XSH. Shibata
ATOC9 MK3. Line Contact
VDH. DDT MK2. Line Contact Plus
HANNA SL. Shibata
I have 3 Head Shells for Orbe SME 309 (200 GBP each!)
Set the Hanna up recommended TW. 2g (no range given!) Bias 2g.
RESULT. Flat response, plain sound with the oddest Treble ever heard from any cartridge
like striking a piece of Aluminium. Probably would beat it with a Dennon 103 Conical Stylus!
Reduced Bias to 1.5g was slight improvement. Time to find out what is going on pulled out a
Test LP at this setting it tracked the Max +18db Band. Good result as some MC simply fly off
the LP at 18db. You do not need to track this as only 3 LP are recorded at this level and 2
of them are Test Discs.
Reduced TW. from 2g to 1.75g ( Bias 1.5g ) and put music back on, Treble not perfect but 100% better plus a few more harmonics so a less plain sound.
Went back to Test Disc perfect tracking of 14db Band with a minor miss track on 18db Band.
Suggest Hanna up date whatever it is they use to Test cartridges with!

You spent c. £600 - ‘out of curiosity’… And you wonder why you are having problems…??

Maybe you need less curiosity and more of … I really don’t know… :astonished:

Thats a lot of carts you have there… How much - in total…??

They needed to be loaded with 400ohms +. Mine needed towards 50 hrs to really loosen up and wake up the bottom end. On my arm it needed a bit more headshell mass.
It’s a very good sounding cart and I shall buy another, it’s possible you have a dud.

Just my thoughts.

Got it thanks~ I got another Troika ( non-working ) which needs to be rebuilt from scratch…Probably wait till after the Holiday seasons. Shipping is going to be crazy atm.

So how does your Troika fairs ( is that the original nude Eliptical stylus ? ) compared to all those?

Well there are 2 T.T.s and the Troika Linn is the System T.T.
The object is trying to find something to suit the Orbe to bring it to the level of the Linn
and this is proving difficult however this aim will continue regardless as the gap is small.
One H/S came with the Arm so 2 are extras, not much point having a H/S Arm if you are
not going to exploit what you paid for.
The Hanna cost $985 approx 430 GBP and as the ART 9 went back for a full refund the total
cost of the cartridges is no more than one expensive one and i still have the option of selling.

Yes the Naim load is 470 ohm so no need to get out my Dynavector P75 MK 4 Head Amp.
Where we differ here is in the Bass i am OK here from the get go so i don’t need to wait.
This thing with the Treble though is something i have not come across before and made me sit right up. The cartridge is in focus so the diamond appears to be in alightment.
So i have no grounds to return on being a dud sample.
That as you say it should be a good sounding cartridge made me think i was on safe ground.
However the Technical operating requirements are a Fact relating to this sample and as it tracks very well i see no reason others would differ or why the specs are Fixed at 2g as Unrequired Tracking Weight kills the sound of any cartridge.
As to how it sounds in total i have only played one track at the needed 1.75g setting so yet to find out - am having daily face Radiation which is inconvenient!

The Troika has never been touched i did demag it a couple of times that is it.(This is dodgy!)
Stylus wear something like 50%.
The problem is while i am able to find a area of concern in the cartridges i have i do not fault
the Troika’s neutrality any thing not right here is the system not the cartridge.
I think this is something to do with what seems to be a consensus on the Forum of needing
to run the Troika in for 30 odd years.

The UK price of the Hana SL is GB£599-00. Trust me… I checked…
Your Location is not revealed on here…?