Troika anyone?

Nice plinth too

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Flutes are best :+1:

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I wonder if anyone on here actually realise that the Goldring rebuilt Troikas are actually a Klyde with your old Troika body.
Just saying the rebuilds will never be a Supex original.
Look great though. :+1:t2:

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Sure. Troika’s are uniquely pleasing to the eye…

I remember replacing my used Troika (worn) with a Klyde and was not very impressed?!

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Marmite cart.
Some were great and some were Krap lucky dip. :+1:t2:


I have fond memories of my Troika when it first came out. Used it with an Ekos for years and don’t know why I moved it on. Tried a lot of turntables and have decided to return to LP12 quite recently. Have just purchased an Aro and rebuilt Troika with pins. Going to custom build an Lp12 using mover parts.

Great ! Go for Pre Cirkus with Naim.

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Isn’t that a bit like saying the Krystal is just a Klyde? Both built by Goldring but nothing like each other. The Klyde and Troika bodies are vaguely similar but that doesn’t mean the interiors are the same.

A mine of disinformation!

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I do not expect it to sound exactly the same as the original Troika. All the parts used are different ( tho magnet I believe was saved on mine ) and the builder also is different. But I can say confidently that the Goldring rebuilt Troika does not sound like a Klyde which never worked on the ARO for me. It was much too dark for the ARO. Troika, OTOH, whilst it has a warmish tone it is much more open and fast.

I also sent in Miyabi47 but I do not expect to sound like the original. This one I am curious how it sounds. It would be a small miracle if the rebuild can get the magic back. David is saving its Alnico magnet but the cantilever suspension and diamond will be replaced. Suspension and rubber material were the secret to Miyabi’s sound so I do not have much hope for it, tho.


Just celebrating the Linn Troika…
This amazing, unique, beautiful, elegant cartridge design.

Feel free to click on the image and zoom in.
Looks gorgeous, doesn’t it ?



I have one mounted on the tonearm that was designed for it. The cartridge has been expertly rebuilt by David Giffin at Goldring - some Members say that this means that it is no longer a Troika, but I don’t give a hoot, particularly as it sounds so fabulous.


Have you had the Troika for yonks, ratrat, or is it a new acquisition?

I always regretted not buying one at the time, years ago, but got one almost by accident last year, when I bought my (second) ARO, and a rather battered Troika came with it at no extra cost. After some research online, I sent it to David Giffin at Goldring, and he did a wonderful job rebuilding it.

I’m sort of looking for another Troika now, in case I have a dreadful accident with this one - it would be good to have a ‘spare’.

It would be appropriate to have 3 of them Graham.

My 7 yr old proudly told me that he was able to spin up a record without me supervising it … I might need to wait a few years until I move to a proper MC cartridge :slight_smile:

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One on the Auction site
Listing number.

Now sold since I popped it on here. :+1:t2:
Glad if I helped someone. :roll_eyes:

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Yes, it was more recent.

Always wanted one, back in the day.
I’ve always admired both the aesthetics and the sound.
So, adding a Troika - to our recent LP12 refurbishment project - was a little bit “nostalgia” and a lot “bucket list”…

Best wishes

I think (hope) that I was the buyer.

Thanks for the tip!


Happy to help. :+1:t2:
It came from Glasgow too. :wink:

Interesting - there’ve been several Troikas sold recently…tempting.

How much is a rebuild? I’ve been thinking of what to do when my Kandid bites the dust.

The £110 one doesn’t seem to have a logo - did they wear off?