Turntable issue, any bright ideas?

It does have a degree of inevitability about it, I would already have one if it wasn’t for the fact the wall bracket is different size, useless excuse but its the one that has kept the cash in the wallet for now.

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A brand new P6 with an Ania Pro into your Aria will already be quite a step up from your P3 and RP6 regardless of Exact or Ania cartridges. So the wall shelf is a flexible issue…

(think of the Ania as a MC-Elys-stylus and the Ania Pro as an MC-Exact-stylus and you’ll have an idea of the difference in stylus profile. P6 now also available in white if that’s your fancy :wink: )

The sound of the Ely’s didn’t gel at all with me, I had a spare Exact and it went straight on after couple of spins. Likewise the Carbon on my youngest daughters P1 gave way to an AT95EN, transformative sound from that deck thereafter.

Really liked the Ania and was happy until when it took the sudden downturn and then led to all of this surfacing up when I swapped in the At740ML for the Ania. Of course at somepoint I’ll swap the Ania back in and see if the HF issues are now resolved, which would be a result all round.

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What is the answer to @Kryptos 's question please?

Possibly dumb question…

What is an Rega RP6…? Is it a Planar 6 - or something else…?

About 12 years ago Rega used the designation RP3 and RP6 for the P3 and P6 tables.


Thank you.

Not Confused Now… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Kryptos, The aria was next to the SN3 with a gap of about 12 cm, sandwiched between HCDR and SN3. In relation to the Neo it was one shelf down from it and about 45 cm across. So some distance.

Now I have swapped the HCDR and the Aria around, so Aria is now at one end of the rack, HCDR next with a gap of about 10cm and then another 10cm gap before the SN3.

Hey @Christopher_M , have just replied to it, thanks for the nudge, meant to do it.

I’m sure there will be some incremental gains from a current P6 compared to an RP6 but most comparisons I have seen say they are slight and I’ve heard a P6 a number of times and certainly sounded familiar enough.

The current P3, which I have upgraded with Neo Power Supply and latest top reference belt gets closer than a stock P3 to the RP6 but there is still a clear pecking order in favour of the RP6.

If I was to upgrade it would have to be to a P8 at least.


A picture might be useful to understand (better) what where - and what might be improved… :thinking:

More Space Is Good.

If you sold or traded your P3 and RP6, you might get a P8… maybe…?

But I’d be a turntable down, I have two systems, I’ll post a pic

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Here is in house system


Here is cabin system with the P3.

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This picture slightly out of date as the record crate is now in the house with the main system, sitting in the space freed up by moving the second Kef KC-62 into the cabin. So now have dual subs in the cabin and its a pretty compelling sounding place to be now.

The KC62 led me to move the LS50 Metas around quite a bit to their current position and for 90% of the listening they have enough bass in the room they are in as they fire across the room. In the cabin it fires down the room. There is a relatively new post on Subs that discusses alot of this.

Thanks, the reason I asked Is that I once demmed a Rega deck with Neo, and found it essential to keep the Neo as far away from the phonostage as the leads would allow, to avoid humming.

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No agreed, it was like old days of a portable TV aerial moving the Neo around in open space as far as I could to see if I could hear any increase / decrease of hum.

What a hobby!

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Did it make a difference?

I would not be surprised if the HCDR also causes hum.

I had to put my Aria quite a ways away from the amplifiers / transformers to get rid of hum. It’s sitting at least 40cm away from my Atom and 60 away from my NAP 250 and Neo power supply and it is quiet.

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To the OP, it wouldn’t be one of those dimmer switch situations would it? Darned things get forgotten about and cause mayhem with some electronics………just a thought.

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It’s a good call but no not in this case.

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