Tweaks or cheapish upgrades?

I did something similar with my ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures. The sound became more lifelike, natural and engaging, without any deficits other than a slight loss in the bass. That didn’t bother me, as I was nudging them back and forward every other week as they settled in and I got used to the sound.


Hi Corry - so you used a passive preamp and that’s the outcome? If so can I ask which one you used or have now ?

Thanks Richard

What about a NAC like a 152? One of those plus a HiCap could be done for your budget. Atacama shelves also come up for sale occasionally and you could add to your existing rack fairly cheaply.

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The V1 has a volume control and acts as a pre amp itself. Did you or can you get the volume control fitted to the LCR in the upgrade? Then you can use the pre wide open and just as a source switch, controlling the volume at source level.
A 72/hicap might be a better alternative, on paper and by reputation at least. Who needs remote?

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Hi Yeti. No I can’t add a volume control to the LCR, but nice idea. I think a 72/82 with hicap is probably the option to save up for.

Cheers Richard

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Hi gthack - I’ll add a 152 to the option list but I’ll need another shelf so will look out for that.

Cheers Richard

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I’m curious as to what speakers you use?That could be an area where huge improvements might be possible, though in practice the budget is likely to be severely limiting. Otherwise what is your room like (dimensions, layout, furnishings)? Acoustic treatment is all too frequently ignored, yet most rooms are far from ideal, and £1k might be able to make a significant difference.

Hi innocent - I have PMC GB1i floor standers. Connected with Naim white speaker cable. I think I’d have to spend a lot to better them.

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Sorry Innocent I forgot to add that the room is ok. Settees, curtains and carpets etc but I cover the reflective areas with throw overs to help that when I listen for a long period. I could do more but it’s unlikely to be acceptable to my wife as it’s our main Lounge. This is indeed the biggest problem in hifi. You either have a dedicated room or you adapt to the compromises. The other option is near-field listening, not something I fancy.

Cheers Richard

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