Unhappy with the new NAIM update

Good point. If any service has had a few hiccups for me it has been Qobuz. It’s overall been rock solid. Networking when it works well I don’t think about it. It’s just those rare hiccups that can be frustrating. Like I said earlier I did technically restart my network after the update, so it may have found a new route to the Qobuz servers…

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I just want to revert back to the previous FW. Simple as that. I miss that sound so much! I will be fuming if Naim can’t facilitate this for me.


Can they legally refuse to facilitate rollback of firmware.

When you purchased the equipment, where you issued with terms and conditions indicating Naim could perminantly change the sound profile?

Is there a reason Naim didn’t include the sonic change in the list of improvements.

I’m not sure on all three of those questions.

They may legally not be allowed to offer rollbacks as a general rule, as a consequence of licensing and certification conditions.

I’m sure you know the answer to this is no.

Because it’s not an intentional or planned improvement or indeed change, but rather an unintentional consequence of the way the new firmware affects the low level noise in the streamers.


Even if offered, please take into consideration the long term consequence of refusing to upgrade. Third party services integration may stop working at some point.


And presumably the whole of iRadio.


Yeah if v-tuner integration stops working that would be it for Naim radio on non-upgraded devices indeed.

Indeed. It won’t stop for a while because Naim haven’t sorted new firmware for the gen 1 muso/Qb or green screen unitis and streamers yet.

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I had the same issues with my Nova and NSS 333 the first two days after the update. But now it seems okay. No problems with the update on my two Mu-so Qb 2.

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I’ve had a couple of good long sessions listening to the new FW update and I must admit I’m starting to find it a little tiring. I like the new clarity but it seems to be at the expense of some musicality. The sound just seems less addictive for some reason, like it’s lost some of that Naim colouration and magic. There’s at least three of four of my favourite albums that no longer sound as good as they use to. Sure they sound a bit more real in places but something is definitely missing from them. If anything the sound signature is more like my old Node was. On balance I think, if I had the chance, I’d go back to the previous FW version.

I think Naim should run a pole and if there’s enough of us that prefer the previous FW then how hard would it be to release another update but with no changes to the sound signature? Those that prefer what they hear now can stay with this version, those that want the original sound back just do the update?


That’s a very sensible and reasonable suggestion.

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I don’t even work for Naim but know that won’t happen. That would mean having two different released products, plus the “tuning” is not a willful change of sound profile, as illustrated here by @davidhendon :


Listening for 3 days to all types of music with the new firmware but I cannot get used to it. The SQ misses the balls that it had with the old FW, it is too bright and there is less emotion in the music.
I seriously consider to contact my dealer whether it is feasible to re-install the old FW.


Is the SQ really any different - I can’t perceive any difference?

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Hi @Daan-1975

Not great to hear that your system has gone backwards sound wise.

Can you contact our helpdesk and we’ll aim to get your streamer back to a known state. We have not changed any of the audio processing (identical DSP code on all) but on some systems it doesn’t take much to knock it off voice.

With regards



Annoyingly it is. Well at least for some that have spent an awfully long time optimising the SQ to get it closest to a ‘live’ type sound.

Over the last few days I’ve become increasingly frustrated with rather pushy top end. Even the bass is starting to annoy me slightly. On some tracks it can sound great and on others it’s almost too much for my room.

This is especially annoying after spending six months listening to over thirteen linear power supplies that were dismissed because they did the same thing with the bass.


That’s very interesting. The sound has definitely changed - for the better I feel in my case, but not for everyone it seems. So I’m intrigued as to what has caused this given you say it wasn’t intentional.


Same for me. I noticed it immediately and have been very very happy with it. I do wonder if it has anything to do with 3rd party cables or something along those lines. I haven’t noticed anything like brightness etc just an expanded sound stage. Everything just snaps into place. Glad to know it wasn’t that Mexican beer I had the other day


I’m rooting for you @Daan-1975 . All the best, and good luck. Keep us posted

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