Toblerone CD-Player - Smooth as chocolate"
It’s Danish design guys! Things change!
Toblerone CD-Player - Smooth as chocolate"
It’s Danish design guys! Things change!
With my NC222/300 combination I’m not in the happy camp. I need to use the USB stick method every other day to keep a full involving sound. Music played from the USB stick sounds excellent and is currently my reference.
So firmware 5.2 is affected as well. I have informed Naim accordingly.
Oh how I wish I’d not sold my beloved CDP555!
I have an NDX 2 and I’m experiencing the following problems:
With the USB workaround things aren’t perfect but it makes a night and day difference. With this trick I guess one can understand the possible improvements of the last FW such as better layering with a deeper soundstage.
By the way I also noticed that bass is different, it still is punchy and gets very low when needed, but it’s more textured. Sometimes I wonder if it’s supposed to be that way or if something is missing instead.
This is my feeling as well. With 3:8 you could hear the venue acoustics, which added a level of reality and dimension to everything. With 3:10 this has completely gone resulting in a rather two dimensional rendition, which just sound a bit cheap and nasty.
The nds is Not a Vinyl source, But i had the Same wow Moment once the nds was plugged in. There is so much Texture and rich Detail in the mid section missing with nd555 on 3.10.1
Not the ND555 per se Drago. 3.10.1.
I habe edited my Post
I just feel that we have to make a distinction D. The ND555 with a sympathetic and glitch free firmware is an excellent device. During a phone call with a forum friend the other day I stated that it is my belief that if we hypothetically could hear our streamers again with 3.8.8 ( for example) that would be absolutely clear.
It looks like a sandwich maker
37 k , to eat in five minutes.
I don’t have a naim streamer, but I’m reading this and I want to ask - is the firmware being updated forcibly, or can it not be updated?
I consider the two points you highlighted essential, they have a very distinctive impact in the overall music experience. And I only have an NDX 2, I’ve never tested an ND555 and the effect is surely even more dramatic.
Yes I can imagine that NDS (with its old FW) properly set-up with all the knowledge now available to me that I did not have back when I did the demo pre-ND555 would sound special.
Beware that I hear Naim are doing a FW update mid-Feb for all their old Streamers to overcome the radio issues - no knowing if that will ruin the SQ if it adopts the present FW signature:
***Legacy Uniti and Streamers***
NDX, NDS, ND5 XS, NaimUniti, NaimUniti 2, SuperUniti, UnitiQute, UnitiQute 2, NAC-172, NAC-272
New firmware is in the final stages of testing and approval.It is currently planned for launch on **February 14th 2025**. This update will require connection to a computer and some products will need an RS232 to USB cable. Any presets will need to be resaved.
…but onto your ‘wow moment’ - I was in an elated state after getting my Vinyl up and running again, near-amazed at just how good it was. My system when I last used Vinyl was Active Isobariks with NAP 250 CB and has obviously changed a lot since, but the LP12-Ekos-Archiv into the Superline (just powered with HiCap DR) fitted it seamlessly and gives dynamics, clarity and insight into the music I was in awe of.
It is overwhelming to have a sense of wonder and amazement at music playing again - and not have make a supreme personal effort to try to enjoy the ND555 present version of music.
Some of this may be the long fast with the ND555 with poor FW, but I have been amazed by playing old Albums and hearing why I initially liked them that was missing on the digital versions even with the old ND555 FW - let along the new which is not worth listening to at all.
Indeed it is - and at times in the development process I’ve heard amazing quality versions that never made it to release - you would not believe the extended range of detail into the high frequencies is possible, never released and possibly not even heard by Naim that was better than from 3.8 FW - forget the 10.1 FW as that is stark and crude with all the anomalies with the USB Pen interaction.
I appreciate your staying ‘on the case’ @Cohen1263 - more power to you. You did have other sources available in your system whereas I was totally dependant on my ND555 so it had hit me hard. I am incredibly patent …until I’m not and then I need another path or turning the internal anger into something useful and creative is difficult - I do not want to be feeling like that.
Fortunately Naim have inadertently re-introduced me to Vinyl again and I’m pleased with that.
I can wait for an eventual fix and if not just eventually find something else.
It can be ignored. But will Tidal or Qobuz still work in a few months, it’s not sure.
I’ve got exactly the same respond.
Is there a setting on the Naim app to stop it going into standby?
Yes. Go to system settings then scroll down until you find other settings. Select stand-by time and then ‘never’
Yes - there is some own magic in the NDS. More together and immersive than nd555 but less accurate and with less grip.
I have optimized the Ethernet part for nd555 and think nds also has a profit of that.
For me the textures are the „drug“ which make the naim components so addictive . And this is all back with nds and it also shows how short the nd555 has got with 3.10.x. How this can be overheared is really hard to get for me. But I only know my systems (which both suffer)
I will not do any update on nds! Who knows what the new radio brings to the table here…