Uniti Atom automaticaly turns on

anything connected via Bluetooth? my Star kept coming on for no reason and it was my PC turning it on. Just a thought.

last Friday I uncheck settings/Bluetooth/Open Pairing and it did not turn on alone, until now that I decided to heard some music, and once start to play auto re-boot, get connected to the WiFi and start play again, all in loop, so I decided to activate again settings/Bluetooth/Open, so far at least did not re-boot, but I will see if auto turn on as it did before

Now the Volume control on top of the unit does not work, I will reset the unit again, but why the volumen control do not work?
Just 5 years, no more than 60 times on. Actually I keep it in the box as it came for almost a year.
It is by far the less reliable piece of equipment that I bought in my life, it is completely unreliable!

When I hard reset the unit, the volume control start to work, but if I turn it off I lost the volume control until I hard reste it again.
I wrote this in case Naim wanna take in consideration the failure, my solution is clear…HEGEL or Yamaha, bye bye Naim, I can not even sell it, I can not sell a defective unit!

Have you been in contact with Naim? Complaining here will achieve nothing. If you contact Naim service (normally via your dealer) they should be able to fix it.

In case you weren’t aware, and to echo what Chris has written:
For support, you should start with talking to your dealer where you bought it. However after 5 years, the warranty expired a long time ago (it’s 2 years outside of the UK for an Atom if I remember correctly). Regardless, the dealer is your primary route to support.

This forum is 99% chat by Naim enthusiasts/owners. It is not routinely monitored by anyone at Naim, and should not be used to report faults.

Thanks a lot guys, as you wrote is out of warranty, and I do not wanna pay for this unit, but maybe my experience will help you make a decision or you can ignore it.

I think it’s longer in certain countries - IIRC 5 years was offered by the distributor in Germany at one time, maybe still the case?

Either way, I would be contacting your Naim dealer here.

Thanks a lot Guys, again honestly, each time I had a problem with Roon I go to the oficial chatroom of Roon and I have a solution.
Now I am in a oficial chatroom (is in Naim web page), and I do not have any Naim guy looking at the chatroom every now and then like in Roon?
Is OK, another reason to forget Naim, and tell me experience to the one that want to listen, again you can ignore it, but thanks to listen.

I wouldn’t give up on it so readily; speak to your dealer, I suspect if you hardly ever use it, it’s lagging behind with firmware, plus there might be network issues in your home.
Naim support products for as long as it’s possible, which is potentially 50 years. If I had an early nac or nap without question it can be serviced.

Naim support are busy enough contending with tickets in freshdesk, adding the forum to that would be overload. Roon is completely different; they use discourse for support as well as running the community alongside it. Naim pay for discourse hosting that supports the community but don’t and can’t sit on the forum all day.

Have you contacted Naim support yet?

Roon are very different to Naim. Their product range is a single app, not a wide range of hardware stretching back 50 years, nearly all of which is still supported. Naim choose to do this by having a service department, and actual people you can speak to on the phone to support you, as well as your dealer.

Thanks a lot Guys, I am writing in this chatroom with a 10 years old iMac 27 still working perfectly, I pay for the unti 5 years ago 2500€. It is not reliable, in my opinion is not good quality, and do not want to keep investing in something that is not reliable, but I see you all are more than satisfy with Naim, so my opinion in the market will be irrelevant, good for Naim

Have you been in touch with Naim support yet?

I’m sorry you had bad luck with your atom but there isn’t a brand in the world that doesn’t have some units have issues earlier than you would expect or want. For example I had to get my Apple AirPod max headphones replaced due to constant battery drain this was an issue they had from purchase. My replacement set is better but due to a software issue, the find my setting won’t stay off and I have to remember to constantly to switch it off to save battery. Even with these issues I would buy other Apple products.

I won’t be getting the AirPods again because I want to get wired headphones that could last me decades since they can be repaired and a Bluetooth dac/amp instead. For me Naim is a lot like those wired headphones while I can’t see the future I believe repair and servicing will be around allowing me to get my money out of purchases.

Unfortunately this has not been your experience and you’ve obviously been soured on the brand but I would suggest contacting naim support before before giving up on your atom.

I think is good that you can take actions based on your experience, I do based on mine, and as an Engineer responsible in the area of Quality in Airbus I know a couple things, but thanks for the advice

Nope, I do not think I will, I have things to do and repair something that just have clock time, not use time, and such a cascade of problems clearly tell me something about the production line. actually while writing I am listening a Yamaha RX-V3900 I bought in 2009 still performing spotless, maybe I should have been buying Japanese, but is my experience, and not everyone experience clearly, again my opinion in the market will not change the opinion of so many satisfied clients like yourself, to me…Naim your quality sucks and I will make sure people listen my opinion. but nothing to worry for Naim.

Claudio, I’m guessing that English is not your first language, so I may be mistaken in my understanding of what you’re saying here - It appears you are saying that you do not wish to spend any time asking Naim Support for any help with the issue you’re experiencing with your Atom (which complex though streamers can be, may be something quite straightforward), but you have decided that Naim’s “…quality sucks…” and you would instead spend time making “…sure people listen my opinion”.

I think time would be best spent having a chat with Naim support. You can phone them or email them - just click on the link I posted above earlier in the thread and all the details you need are there. And if you have any issues with that then let me know by flagging up this post and sending me a message.


You are correct, my native language is Spanish, and speak German for more than 20 years since start to work in Airbus Deustchland (we speak English too), Thanks. I had to send the e-mail to Naim after your polite and strong advice. So I did it , at least I will have the chance to say that I try all I could. Thanks again Richard.

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Hi guys, I ask Naim and they told me could it be a Firmware issue, and I should install the latest Firmware, I have 3.8.4 in the Atom and the app is 6.3, the latest to my knowledge. but in my opinion is Firmware issue too. actually I read in the forums here that 3.8.4 corrected " * Uniti Atom top UI volume control could stop responding when changing input source after pairing a Bluetooth device" does anybody know how can I reinstall the firmware? where can I find the firmware to download to install it from a USB?
thanks for your support and time.