Uniti Atom automaticaly turns on

Did you let Naim support know this? Support should advise here.

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Thanks Richard, no reply, just look latest firmware and/or send it to repair, I ask as I ask here the community can I return to an old update? can I re-install the latest update? NOTHING. I guess I will send again and wait sometime for a new update before sell the unit for parts

Claudio, what was the ticket number you received when you contacted Naim support?

This is interesting, because since a couple of weeks my Atom does something similar: it randomly turns on and starts playing from bluetooth or, if it’s already being used on a non-bluetooth input, it switches over to bluetooth and plays.

The Atom is not pairing with any of my bluetooth devices and I have even disabled the bluetooth input, but it continues to occur from time to time (bluetooth re-enables itself). My theory is that one of my neighbours’ devices (I live in a small apartment building) is somehow pairing with my Atom, although how this is possible is beyond me. I just checked my firmware and it’s up to date, according to the Naim app (3.8.4).

I assume that if I disable the bluetooth input it should stay disabled until I change the settings, right? Or does anyone know different?

And if a neighbour were accidentally able to pair with my Atom, is there any way I can unpair it unilaterally? Factory reset, presumably, would be the nuclear option…

I’ll try a factory reset later this week, to see if that improves things. It’s not the end of the world. as I’m moving out in a few weeks’ time, but it’s certainly curious.

As you say, if the Bluetooth input is disabled, then this should not happen. So a factory reset is probably the next step

I’d put something on the communal noticeboard along the lines of “to whoever is playing panterra/adele/coldplay, you’re doing it through my speaker!”

Funnily enough, new neighbours did move in a couple of weeks ago, so they are my number one suspects. I’ll stop by in due course to ask them.

But the engineer in me wants to know how this is even possible? If the bluetooth pairing function doesn’t timeout after a few minutes I suppose it’s conceivable that my neighbour “legitimately” paired with my Atom unknowingly and hasn’t twigged…

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