Uniti Core - Is there a better App then the Naim one?

Ok, thanks, that’s what I thought just wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing it somewhere. I’ll keep playing with it. It seems like I should be able to create an xml type file (or m3u) that is a playlist and put it in the multimedia folder of my QNAP and be in business but it’s probably not that easy.

Chris, I think if you press Play on a genre it selects all the albums tagged with the chosen genre in alphabetical order by album name and starts playing the first track of the first album. You can then use the Shuffle key to randomise the list.

Yes, I just couldn’t remember whether it would play random albums (as the music will be listed by album) or random tracks, as I’m not at home to try it.

So I can see the playlists here at the main menu.

I’m not sure where I should see the playlists on the unit but I only see the menu options that I see here in the app.

The playlists on the home page are only the ones you create on the Naim app. It’s in the UPnP input that you should see them.

It is pretty much that easy. I use Playlist Creator to make the playlists (m3u files). These will then need editing to make the entries compliant with the QNAP. You then need to tell Asset which folder the m3u files are in. There’s a good few old threads with these details in.

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Thanks, I’m not sure I understand.

I’m under the impression I should be able to see the same playlists I created in the naim app and that appear on the app home page (upnp playlists) in the upnp input. Is that the case?

I expected to see a folder for playlists in the upnp menu (second image above) but there isn’t one and they don’t appear to be in any of the folders that appear.

I’ve navigated through the menu on the player and don’t see these playlists. However if I navigate through the upnp/minim menu (on the player and app) I see the playlists folder I created for the radio station FLAC streams I created.

I’ll have to look into this. Thanks.

Ok, so I created a playlist folder under multimedia and dropped the file path of a few tracks into a .txt file and saved the file as a m3u file in the playlist folder on the QNAP and now I have a playlist folder in the upnp input in the Naim App that has my QNAP playlist I just created. It works and even brings in the artwork.

Adding tracks manually seems slow and I’m not sure I’m doing it the best way. Do any of the playlist creator apps (I’m on a Mac) allow you to copy a high volume of tracks into the playlist? Maybe an export? It’s going to take a long time to build this thing manually lol.

I use Playlist Creator, but I think that’s only for Windows. There are bound to be Mac equivalents. These do allow you to bulk add tracks/albums.
The Playlist Creator ones do need some manual editing (find & replace) to switch the formats to those needed for the Linux-based Qnap. It’s easy - you just need to know the formats - I’ll remind myself what these are when I’m home this evening (and post an example).

Is Naim reading all these posts? It would tell any normal thinking person that something needs to be done in the App. As I’ve said - the Olive 4HD had these features already in 2012?:thinking::thinking::+1:t2:

Naim say that they don’t routinely read threads in the forum and so you should use the feedback feature in the app if you have suggestions for changes or other feedback.


The Olive App may be slick, but their customer support was terrible and as far as i know they no longer make servers and do not support their previous models. So, yes the Naim App could be improved, but as far as service goes…they are hard to beat imo.

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Look, I’ve only mentioned this because they had the shuffle feature. I know all the problems with Olive…

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#EXTINF:144,Jake Bugg - Lightning Bolt - Jake Bugg
/share/Multimedia/Music/Jake Bugg/Jake Bugg/1-01-Lightning Bolt-Jake Bugg-Jake Bugg.flac

The Squeezebox ecosystem was doing that too, even earlier than the Olive, actually.

I can’t believe there’s a product such as the Naim App on the market in 2019.

That is exactly my point!! Yes, I had a Squeezebox as well :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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