Uniti Core random loss of album artwork

Just seen your reply to my post. You can download a free trial of Jaikoz from their website. I download classical music solely, from most of the usual recognised sites. Most times, I can just drag the dowloaded jpg, included within the file downloaded, into the allocation spot for the image in each track, if it doesn’t already show there. You open the program, then open the music file and each track appears so you can edit the track name, music file name, performers’ details, and picture. If occasionally the image is too large, I can usually copy the music cover from amazon and paste it into the program: this works most times. I find that jpgs up to 1Mb seem to copy across OK. Hope this helps.

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I reduced the image in the Scarlatti download so that the file size is now only 560KB and despite this and re-naming it to folder.jpg it still does not display. I’ll probably have one further try by embedding this reduced image back into the track tags, but if that doesn’t work then I think I’m done with it. It really shouldn’t be this hard, don’t you think?

When you say most times, what did you do for the times when it didn’t work? Find other work arounds? Give up at leave it bereft of any image?

I can’t immediately recollect when it didn’t work, as those occasions are very rare - I’m referring to the downloading of the cover image separately. Otherwise, downsizing the image size solved the problem for me. I can’t identify the specific point at which the jpg file size is too large. I’m at a loss as to why the image for the Scarlatti isn’t working for you. I find Presto very good and supportive. I wonder if somehow your download has not downloaded completely as it should - one of those unexplainable gremlins? It might be worth going back to Presto and trying a new download of the album. Otherwise, I’m at a loss as to why the image isn’t displaying properly. It might be worth trying a free trial download from Jaikoz of their program, run this album to edit within it, to see if that solves it? I realise it won’t necessarily show up why the problem is occurring though.

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Thanks for your help Chris.

I’ll have a look at Jaikoz.

Success at last.

Just had one final attempt using Mp3tag. This time I went back to the original extracted and saved download files, copied them into Mp3tag, changed the album name, artist name and album artist name. Next the artwork embedded at 3000x3000 was deleted and a copy resized to 1000x1000 and re-named to folder.jpeg was embedded and changes saved. The existing downloaded album folder was deleted from the downloads folder in the Core and the new folder substituted. Artwork now shows up. Result, happiness.

From this experience I am tempted to conclude that

1 the artwork needs to be embedded
2 the artwork needs to be no larger than 1000x1000
3 re-naming the jpeg file to folder.jpg can’t do any harm but does not seem to be crucial

The above is based on
1 the original larger jpg when embedded did not work
2 the files stripped of the artwork but accompanied by a smaller jpg version did not work
3 other downloaded album folders containing jpgs which have not been re-named do work.

So it seems size matters in the end.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Just on your conclusions, the artwork doesn’t need to be embedded. I know that solved it for you, but I have never embedded any artwork in anything and I have 40 or so downloaded albums in my Core that all have the artwork that I chose and added as a file in the album folder, naming the file folder.jpg as Naim tell us to do.

I’m not arguing with you, but equally a lot of people will read this thread over the coming weeks and it would be wrong to leave them thinking there was one truth and it’s your’s rather than Naim’s.

Anyway I’m glad you found a solution.


Quite right David. Naim’s truth is the only truth that matters.

What I take from this is that artwork of too large a size is what caused the issue.

Like you I have album folders in my Core download files which when opened are not accompanied by any separate image file, and yet the artwork shows just fine. So it is tempting to conclude that it must either be embedded (and at a size which does not cause upset), or else have a separate jpg in the folder. Either/or but perhaps not both?

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I’m having the same issues and I’ve exhausted almost every option mentioned here trying to make the album art appear.

I noticed that I’m also using the Samsung 860 Evo SSD. Could it be there’s a compatibility issue with them I wonder?

But the vast majority of my album artwork appears exactly as it should and always has. What is unnerving and exasperating is the sudden disappearance of artwork which has displayed in the past, or as in my case here with a new download, an image which was 3 x larger than is acceptable by the Naim software.

The sudden disappearance of artwork from a ripped CD is most vexing of all. If it worked when first ripped, why would it cease to work?

I have 3 albums of Bach Organ Works condensed from the complete recordings made by Peter Hurford. As these are my own preferred sets of tracks they were compiled into folders on my desktop PC using Win10 and the artwork image copied from the internet and embedded in each file using Mp3tag, but with no jpg file included in each album folder. For months the artwork was visible, but after having issues with other albums I tried, amongst other things, the clear image cache option in the app. Immediately the artwork disappeared from all 3 of these albums, despite the fact it was still present in embedded form in all of them.

Last night I included the image into the album folder of disc 1 of this set, but it did not display. I then deleted the album from the downloads folder and downloaded it again from the PC. The artwork immediately appeared. What was surprising is that it also appeared simultaneously in discs 2 and 3 of the set despite the fact that those album folders do not have the jpeg file included. Still working this morning. I don’t know why these images failed to appear in the first place, why downloading just the image into the first of the 3 album folders did not make it appear in that album, why it was necessary to delete and re-download to make it appear, and why this also restores the image in the other two album folders which do not include the image file.

No there is no compatibility issue with the 860 EVO nor indeed the 850 EVO or 870 EVO. I have used all of them myself and I never have had any problem with any of them.

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