Uniti Core Refuses to Save Rip

My reliable Uniti Core is doing something it’s never done before. I put in a CD to rip, it rips it, but it doesn’t save it. I can see the rip right after it rips but it never shows up in New Music. It is happening with two discs. I’ve tried them repeatedly with the same results. There is no error message. Can anyone shed light on this problem. I should mention that subsequent rips work normally.

One is a digitally remastered Arthur Rubenstein Chopin Concertos on RCA, The other a Vladimir Horowitz recording of Bach, Busoni, Liszt, etc. on Deutsche Grammophone. Both look entirely normal.

I am mystified.

Are you sure these are Discs that you haven’t ripped before?

Hi Janet

Maybe the metadata is really messed up, which isn’t necessarily a Core issue, so much as an album publisher or Rovi issue. I have heard that in some such cases the rips can appear in Unknown artist/unknown album in the album list (so under U!) and that they may not show up in the new music list where you expect.

If you can find them, then you can probably edit the metadata and fix the problem.

If they are, I can’t find them. I’ve looked them up in every possible way including “Unknown” and I cannot find them.

I’ve looked under every key word possible in both cases, including ”unknown” and they are nowhere to be found. What puzzles me is that I can follow the rip all the way to the finish, but then they both vanish. The likeliest explanation is that they are duplicates, but if so, they’ve defeated me in finding them.

If you look at the Music/MQ folder using your PC, you should be able to look for the album folder that has the latest date associated with it…

Did you watch the rip in the ripping monitor as it was in progress? This will let you see the album title and artist under which it is filed. The reason I ask is because I have had one album recently for which Musicbrainz selected metadata which was identical to another album already on the Core. When I played the ‘second’ copy, it was the correct album, but with all the wrong metadata.

I have had that issue too. The Solution: Search the ripped CD in Uniti Core by searching the Name of the Album or the name of the performer or artist.

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