Uniti Core ripping result issue

Hi Folks, naim mentioned the CORE was used the EAC for ripping but I found the ripped result was not identical with my PC use EAC and XLD.

Result (EAC and XLD are identical, but Core not)

File: C:\Users\marco\Desktop\01. TEST_XLD.wav
Size: 69148844 bytes
Modified: 2024年3月16日, 19:04:42
MD5: 7368046996642F824CD112176D4A6E59
SHA1: 499E2912A175F6DF9E920E55F89E2862CBE5AF09
CRC32: 6D11519E

File: C:\Users\marco\Desktop\ 01. TEST_EAC.wav
Size: 69148844 bytes
Modified: 2024年3月16日, 19:31:37
MD5: 7368046996642F824CD112176D4A6E59
SHA1: 499E2912A175F6DF9E920E55F89E2862CBE5AF09
CRC32: 6D11519E

File: C:\Users\marco\Desktop\ 01 - TEST_Uniti Core.wav
Size: 69148858 bytes
Modified: 2024年3月17日, 2:13:33
MD5: E275737B0EA122F3F2BC48B6728220E0
SHA1: DAC84C59BBD8672BE9DEE3ADF14276CA9937730C
CRC32: 317E26C3

Anyone know why the file hash was not identical ?


Conclusion: your pc cd rom doesn’t have the same calibration as the core.
What does “accurate rip” say about your crc results?

Hi Robert,

The EAC and XLD result is Accurate Ripped, same as the Accurate online database.

I think this just means that the Core’s offset is different and so you have 14 bits of extra silence before 69 million bits of music. Not exactly something you could detect. So don’t worry about it I suggest.

Every rom has their own offset value, if the software set correctly, the output result should be same if nothing any read error.

Do you know any software can i find out what is the track on different ?

Not sure what you mean by “track on different”, but 14 bits is less than 1 millisecond so you are not going to hear it anyway.

From another forum; which hopefully explains the md5 difference.

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Robert, Thanks !

Let me download the software to verify them :smiling_face: :pray:t2:

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