Uniti Core stopped saving new album artwork

Just thought i would add my experience to this. Had the Core for about three years with no real issues. However, since updating to the latest firmware, i recently noticed problems displaying artwork on new albums added to the downloads folder, even trying several different sizes of images. Yesterday i tried ripping a new Cd, which rips fine and you can see it in the ripping monitor, however the link to go to the album at the bottom of the ripping screen does not show up. And indeed, the album never shows up in the library, even after i ripped it a couple of times. I also added a couple of new albums via downloads folder, and these also did not show up. Powering Core on/off and app reset did not solve either problem. I then tried a rebuild database, which immediately removed all my albums, and after leaving it for an hour, still nothing showed up. Finally this afternoon i did a factory reset on the Core. On startup i added the existing internal SSD as the music store, and it did immediately start adding albums, i left it for an hour or so and it seems to have rebuild ok, also now showing the missing artwork ok and found the missing downloads, although no sign of the ripped CD, so i guess i will have to rip that one again.
I do now have the same niggle as the last poster, as in two albums that have a hash symbol in the album title no longer show their artwork, and they did before!

Also, having renamed the core on startup from its default name to Library, its not showing up on the network with its new name, but still showing as the default name on my two Qute2’s and my NAC272.

So clearly some bugs introduced by the new firmware.

I don’t understand why Naim tend to complicate things like that, separating files from rips….etc
I have a Melco, all is on the same folder, or stored the same way.

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Greetings everyone. Time for an update to this thread.
I was intrigued when I saw Firmware Update 3.8.1 for the ND555. Among the bug fixes listed was: “A ‘#’ symbol in the album name would prevent artwork from being displayed.” Intrigued and puzzled. I was under the impression that this was a Core glitch, not an issue with the streamer.
But I installed the firmware update hoping that it would banish the annoyance of album art not showing up for these oddly-named albums. (I have at least three such albums, including Bassnectar’s “Mixtape #13.”)
It didn’t.
As I said a month ago, this should be easily fixable.

Hmmm…I don’t get that error any longer (Godspeed You! Black Emperor’s “F# A# Infinity” was a classic example).

In my app, and on the streamer, the artwork displays correctly.

Good to hear!

I’ll keep trying, but I don’t see the artwork in either the app or on-screen on the streamer.

Have you tried editing the metadata on the album on your core and adding/changing the artwork?

Hi @nycjim,

The fix mentioned in the streamer release notes relates to an equivalent issue that occurred on streamers that have a music library.

There is a separate fix for Core included in an up and coming release.

Kind regards,

Hello Will:

Very kind of you to respond. Glad to hear that there’s a fix coming for the Core. I appreciate all the work you guys do.


Yes. I tried that. See Will’s reply in the thread; fix coming to the Core. Seems promising.

Kudos and thanks to the Naim Support team for stomping on the bug that caused album art to vanish in cases where album titles included a “#” symbol.



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