Uniti Core will not power upp

I wonder whether the community can help with a problem I have with my Naim Unit Core? I tried to use it last night and notice that the standby power light was flashing and it wouldn’t connect via the app although I could see the Uniti Core icon in the app. I powered it off at the mains and now the standby/power light comes on but no light on the Naim logo.

I’ve tried a factory reset but again no improvement.

If anyone could advise what to do next before the inevitable of sending back for repair I would be grateful.

I wonder if @davidhendon is about, he may be able to help?

I will be about in an hour or so…

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A few other point to note; there is no green light on the Ethernet card, after leaving powered (standby light on only) over night the heat sinks are cold. Left unplugged for 30 minutes and tried the hardware reset, no change, standby light still on but seems stuck in deep sleep.

I’m afraid it sounds like a hardware fault in the Core.

Things you could try:

  1. a different Ethernet lead connecting the Core to your network and a different Ethernet port on the switch or router.

  2. if the Ethernet light was on, I would say look and see whether the Core has a currently assigned IP address, using an app like NetAnalyzer or Fing. But we know there won’t be an IP address because the Ethernet port light is off.

  3. The only other thought I have is from my own experience where sometimes when my Core starts up, nothing happens. I think this is a stuck relay, but I have always been able to unstick it by pulling the mains socket out of the wall socket and immediately plugging it in again. By immediately I mean as quickly as you can. I have always found that my Core then starts normally. But I have explained this several times to others in difficulty and only once did it help.

If none of that helps then I really suspect that you need to take it back to your dealer. If it’s a very hands on dealer then they may get Naim to send them a new main power supply module, but if it’s a less technically capable dealer then they will send it back to Naim.


Thanks for the reply @davidhendon.

I think you may be onto something with the stuck relay, so will try that when I get home this evening and report back.

I’ve already been in touch with my dealer expecting the worse and made arrangements to send for repair. Fingers crossed your advice may trump that.

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