The unilite CD player is stuck. I understood that by switching off and restart the CD player would open. Unfortunately this is not working. Another way would be to push a paperclip in a small hole next to the slot. But I could not find the hole. Can anyone point this out?
Thank you I got the CD out. Unfortunately I could not open it afterwards anymore. I will try to open the Unilite to see if I can find the belt
No! Don’t open the Unitilite. As I said in the post @robert_h quoted, you gain absolutely nothing by opening up the Unitilite and you may damage something.
If you pull the drawer open and look along the top of it into the Unitilite, you will see a couple of pulley wheels, one larger than the other. There is a belt that fits tightly around those. If it’s broken it may just be lying below them, but likely it is still on the pulleys but too slack. You use a small screwdriver or whatever to take the belt off and either replace it with one similar, or as @NeilS suggested, you can put the old one into boiling water for a few seconds to rejuvenate it. Putting it back in the Unitilite is the same process as removal. It looks impossible but it takes seconds in practice.
Boil your belt. Where else but the Naim Forum. Whoever said that Naim stuff is a bit weird?
I tried to take the cd drawer out but it seems to be stuck. No way I can get it out without using force. I might brake something. Sure not to open the unilite ?
When you select opening the drawer, the CD/laser mechanism is lowered in order to let the drawer pass. If the belt to open/close the drawer is too slack (or broken) then the CD/laser mechanism blocks the drawer. So only by opening the UnitiLite you can fix it. But you must be very carefull to do so. If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it.
That isn’t correct at all. You need to just hinge down the front cover of the CD drawer then gently pull the drawer out.
Taking the cover off the Unitilite and even partly dismantling the CD assembly from the Unitilite won’t help in any way. You can do everything you need to do from outside the unit, even if it’s still in place in a rack.
Are you sure? If I remember well - OK, it is some time ago that I had a close look into this mechanism - when unloading a CD first the CD/laser assembly is lowered and then the tray is pushed out, and that you cannot push the tray out unless the CD/laser assembly is fully lowered. But I admit it, I may be wrong.
Thank you all! We managed to open the unilite slightly and pushed the cd player out. Then removed the rubber belt, boiled it short, replaced it and it’s working again ! Very happy with all your answers
I am sure because I have totally been there and done that.
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