Hi everyone
Apologies if this Topic has been debated previously but did a search and didn’t find the solution for my problem
Last Friday I tried to update my uniti nova but the firmware just crashed and I got stuck (more than 12h) with a frozen screen saying uptade.
After that I unplugged the power cable and plug it in again and since then, I get the error power button blinking 4-1-3
I’ve tried to do the factory reset but it doesn’t seem to help.
While powering on, the screen already shows a new picture (I assume from the update)
Really need your help.
Thanks in advance
I would contact your dealer or naim support.
How long have you powered it down for? I’d physically unplug the power and speakers overnight, then reconnect and power up with a factory reset.
I found a couple of threads (I’ve a lot of practice using the search engine here to track things down), as you’ll see from @andrewngu’s response in the thread below it’s a loose ribbon cable.
The new
Hi Mike,
Yes I did that already unfortunately It has been all disconnect (power plug, speaker cable and others)
Actually, I’ve bumped into this thread but In my case, i don’t believe is a ribbon cable.
The uniti nova has been laying still for a long time.
This error happen after the update.
All I did was unplug the power cable.
Can’t believe a ribbon cable got loose just by unplugging and plugging the power chord again.
Aparently doesn’t look like I have a choice.
But won’t be happy if something is charged because all this happened after the update
Have you tried unplugging it from the wall, leaving it for a while and then plugging in again and restarting the update? It would be very odd for an update to brick the Nova.
Not from the wall indeed.
Gonna try that and see what happen
Leave it completely unplugged for five minutes.
That’s rotten luck, hope it gets sorted quickly for you.
Indeed, if it’s unplugged from the Nova unit, the wall plug is irrelevant
But who knows what the OP actually tried.
Yes of course. But I think a lot of people don’t realise that you can’t completely turn off the Nova etc using just the front panel power button, but you have to interrupt the power feed one way or another.
There’s also the possibility that the lead wasn’t properly seated. I once had a corrupted display issue, realised the Powerline wasn’t fully plugged into the decoupled IEC socket. Unplugged for a few hours, reconnected and issue resolved itself
Well, No good luck here.
Tomorrow will contact dealer.
Probably will have to leave the unit there.
I’ll post news just for the record.
Thanks for all the tips anyway.
Cheers to ya all
Got this Message from the dealer, who got the message from naim:
This will forcibly re-install the firmware already on the unit:
- Disconnect the unit from the mains power
- Press and hold the top and bottom buttons on the fascia (standby and favourites)
- Reconnect mains power while holding the buttons in
- Wait 2 seconds after signs of life/light then release the buttons
- Wait 60s for the streaming card to boot (indicated by the standby button pulsing slowly)
- After this time, short press (half – 1 second) the standby button
It’s worth trying this a couple of times if it doesn’t work straight away.”
After some tries and mistakes I finally manage to make the full sequence but…still no good
All it does is showing on the screen “updating” and it stucks there forever…just like when the new firmware was installed.
Sending it to the dealer this week.
Greetings to ya all,
Just to leave a final feedback.
Got the unit from the dealer, now working fine.
Solution (if I got it right) was to open unit, unplug the ribbon, plug it back in, and that was it.
Thanks for all the support
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