Uniti Range Discounts

Just noticed Uniti range discounted at major retailers. Usually an indication of a replacement around the corner. Or a pre Xmas promotion.

Probably due an upgrade based on previous versions. Always thought Supernova, Superstar might happen at some point. Not so sure about super Muso or QB though :grinning:

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Just looks like (early) Black Friday to me, lots of deals on the 6 Beeches site.
Bluesound node for £399 might appeal.
Or dragonfly cobalt for £179.

What is 6 Beeches? I’ve never heard of it.

I suspect he means Sevenoaks! They keep emailing me with Black Friday offers, including Naim. They’re a Naim dealer so I don’t know why the cloak and dagger approach.

Well quite. It’s like calling Amazon the big river, or eBay the popular auction site. Why not just be straightforward? Audio T are knocking £400 off as well.

Similar discounts at Doug Brady.

Certainly lower prices on Muso at Richer Sounds.

Latham Audio is also listing lower Uniti prices for the Benelux region by 14% until the end of the year, so it must be a “Black Friday” offer.

At the same time the mu-so 2 prices have been reduced even further (and I assume permanently), which means a mu-so 3 will be on the way in ~6 months, judging from what happened when transitioning from Gen1 to Gen2.

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