Uniti series serviceability

Does anyone know if latest Uniti series will be serviceable beyond 10 years
Had unfortunate experience with Uniti 1
streaming board defective cant be replaced making unit not usable
apparently replacement parts now longer available
I would like to replace it but do not want to risk a $5600 dollar investment for 10-12 yr
most naim gear built to last 15-30 years
some units 40 yr old are still in service with capacitor update

The latest Uniti uses the same streaming platform as the new New Classic range so I would think it will be serviceable for many years.

But at the end of the day, if the specific chips used are no longer manufactured and Naim’s reserve stock is exhausted, then there is nothing they can do about it. So asking for assurances about repairability more than 10 years out is unrealistic frankly.


However, what you can bank on is the tenacity with which the service dept try to fix everything with a Naim badge on it.
(At least that’s how it is in 2023; whether there is a service department in 2033 is another question entirely)


I hope for new owners sake Naim builds the digital and streaming devices for longevity
their amps and preamps have stood the test of time
the local dealer and distributer are very responsive
i hope service and repair reaches the level in the USA as it is in the UK
happy listening everyone


I suspect the serviceability of units based on the new streaming board will be good, not least due to the number of different units using the same board. I assume the stock of that board can be kept high, such that even if the constituent parts become end of line they’ll have stock for a good few years afterwards.

I guess part of the issue with the first gen Uniti line was two different boards being used. The first first gen (sic) board is now NLA, but that occurred only recently, given how long the affected units have been out of production I think that’s pretty good.

The other question might be, what’s the alternative? Which HiFi manufacturer does a better job?

And welcome to the forum @george1 :slight_smile:

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10 years might be about it.

272s couldn’t be serviced (on failure) in the end because the motherboards couldn’t be manufactured.

Modern streamers are mini computers. Chipsets become redundant.

It’s one of the reasons we split streamer out from DAC. Both could be replaced independently if a board fails catastrophically.

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that’s nice to know
hopefully the engineers will design the
steamers for easy upgrades and service

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