Uniti serve clear instructions on how to back up to my synology nas ds214+

I have a uniti serve bought in 2014 and I am trying to find instructions as to how to create a back up to my synology nas ds214+. Can anyone help as I can’t seem to find any guide lines on the internet. The guide lines I have found are not very easy or intuitive.

It takes some digging on the new Naim website but, using the right spelling and in only one place, I managed to locate the instruction manual. This link should work.

While I am in the process of transitioning from US SSD to Core, since I don’t have a hard drive in my unit, all storage is on a NAS.

Might be worth detailing the size of your HDD and how you have previously performed back ups.
@davidhendon is likely one of those who may be offer further guidance on US; he may be along once he has seen the tag.

It is worth noting that “UnitiServe” returned a satisfactory search; as you have titled the thread with a space, @bouzigaud the search will be blank on the website and on the forum - perhaps an edit would be useful for future searches?

Sadly I can’t really help much with this query. After following Naim’s instructions I failed to get my Unitiserve to backup to my Synology NAS and the much-missed Phil Harris at Naim couldn’t get it to work either. So he reset my NAS to factory settings and then sorted it out for me.

I think that @ChrisSU is better qualified than me in the Unitiserve backup area.

Hi, there are two documents that explain how to set up the US backup.
The first is the product manual which explains what you need to do to the US itself.
The second is a dated but still useful document explaining how to configure a Synology NAS. Sadly Naim’s website having been annihilated by their French taskmasters means that along with many other previously available resources, this is no longer available. If I can find a copy on my computer I’ll post it here.

I have done this in the past but it must be about 15 years ago, so I’m not going to attempt to guide you. The guidance I would give, though, is to convert the WAV files on the Serve - assuming that they are WAV - to flac before you back them up. That way, if/when the Serve dies, you can play directly from the Synology by installing upnp server software, such as Asset, on it. You do the conversion via the desktop client.

Going back to the backup, it was a bit of a challenge. It took ages to work out and I remember various forum members helping me into the early hours of the morning. The key thing I learned is that the destination folder on the NAS has to be completely empty with no subfolders or anything.

If you no longer rip lots of CDs you may want to consider retiring the Serve and just using the NAS. Of course, a Core or various dedicated servers are other options.

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You definitely need a reliable backup for your US and I absolutely echo HH’s advice about converting all the US WAV’s to FLAC before making the backup. And before the US fails as it surely will eventually and probably without warning.

I too backed up my US to a Synology NAS, the biggest issue was sorting out access permissions such that the US could see and access the NAS.

If you don’t fancy running a NAS app to act as a media server, I suggest you look at the Innuos Zen Mini - what the US should have been and costs less…… and the Innuos to NAS backup just works :grinning:.


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Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. Of course the product manual gives some help but it is the set up with synology that gives me trouble. I have about 1200 CD’s ripped on my uniti and while I can copy them to Audio station individually I can’t seem to get my head round creating a full backup en block. If by chance you find the document that explains this it would be very helpful. Thanks to everyone for their help. Colin

I will try to help as much as I can based on my old notes.

Just to understand:
Is your NAS connected to the same network, say, via a switch?
If so, have you set it up as a SHARE on your UnitiServe?

I think you set a share first. You must not enter this share as there must not be any files in there. Apple in particular will add hidden files if you mount the folder so don’t.

You will probably have to turn on smb1 on the as as well. I cannot tell you how to do that. I think you can elevate the share to be a back up destination

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