Uniti software update is here!

I am back to V2.6.1 on my Nova. The sound difference is remarkable. I just noticed my foot was tapping to the beat of the music again! The high-end is playing nice again as well.

That being said, I do miss some of the V3.2 SQ improvements. The V3.2 soundstage is ‘bigger’ and ‘more open’ sounding. For me, V3.2 lost some of the low-end presence and impact, but offers better detail - top to bottom.

I look forward to getting my V3.2 issue resolved so I can take advantage of the new V3.2 features/upgrades. As mentioned in a previous post, l’ll be testing different functional versions of the V3.2 firmware to see if we can isolate what is causing the significant SQ change.

Thanks to Naim support in working with me to resolve this issue.

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Your Unitiqute 2 can’t be stuck on 2.3 because it never had 2.3.

The current firmware is 4.7…


I’m not sure Ive heard any other manufacturers products having this issue with sq.

Part of the difficulty now of course is that you can’t do A/B comparisons with the software.

I used to say exactly the same about 2.3.8574 - I disliked the subsequent firmware release and those sonic changes persisted overall in 2.6.1 - post 2.3.8574 firmware to me had more detail but seemed sterile/clinical, the engaging nature of the sound/toe tapping had largely gone, and I generally revert to 2.3.8574.

As there are such different experiences amongst end users it must make it incredibly difficult for Naim to know how a new firmware will be received.

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I glanced at the iOS app for the unitiqute which showed a BSL 2.3.0 and a Streamer version, I just assumed it was the 2.3, perhaps it’s the 4.4, either way the point still stands…

Some users must have quite remarkable auditory ‘memory’. I’ve always envied the ability to analyse musical sound in the way some are apparently able to, but to then be able to retain this for an ‘in head’ comparison with upgraded soft/firmware - remarkable! Having gone through all the upgrades on my Atom, all I can say is that it’s always sounded fantastic! I guess it’s true that sometimes less is more.


I think that sums it up very well. For me this is not a bad thing, because my setup was a bit ‘bass heavy’. But I can imagine this is different for others, depending on speakers and room. A more subtle change would have been better. IMHO, on a future software release, we would preferably regain some of the impact, while maintaining the better detail (which I love).

I’ve been playing my Nova for some time now with the new update.
It may be my particular system but the top end is too bright.
Prior to the update listening was effortless and the sound was balanced and engaging.
I listen to a lot of jazz guitar and the sound is far too harsh.
I definitely would not have purchased a Nova with this SQ.
The problem is if I go back to the previous settings I’m not future proofed.
I’m starting to appreciate why people retain CD and record decks.

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If your speakers are toed in towards you, try turning them out s bit to lessen the top end beaming at you. May help

Thanks, I’ve tried tinkering but the bright high end appears to be inherent in the update.

This mirrors exactly my experience, I’ve been experimenting with speaker positioning but it’s just too bright, all I want to do is turn it down, before all I wanted to do was crank it up.

Hope your testing goes well and we get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, I’ll have to find something else to do☹️


You don’t need remarkable auditory memory to tell the difference in SQ.
After the update my Nova sound is unacceptably bright. I used to listen for long periods every day but it is now intolerable for any length of time.
Taking it back to my dealer next week to try and sort it out.
The current SQ is so poor that I will take matters up with Naim if nothing can be done.


I’d like to revert to the previous software purely for sound quality reasons, I’m upset because I have been waiting for the DAB/AFM module as it’s the only thing I miss from my old Superuniti and will have to do without it. I’ve bought Naim hifi since 1984 and I’ve never been so disillusioned as I am now.


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Agree totally with you Dalmatian. I loved the sound of my Nova Special 40 combination until the recent upgrade. The new sound is unbalanced and far too bright.
I don’t know who agrees the sound at Naim before updates are issued but he needs to be told he has a hearing problem.
To cap it all I’ve now lost the screen. Too many problems with the software from equipment at this price level. I don’t mind paying but I expect quality. I’m on my second Nova as the nameplate fell off the first one.
I’ve used Audiolab and Arcam before and never had a problem. This performance level is most disappointing from what is supposed to be a premier product. I suppose it’s all good news for Simaudio Moon.

I’m on my second one also, first one went up in smoke! I agree, in the grand scheme of Naim equipment they are not expensive but £4200 is a lot of hard earned in my world, as I said before I’ve bought Naim since 1984 and I have always had quality but the Nova is the first bit of equipment I’ve had issues with, that’s progress for you.

Could someone explain to me precisely what ‘future proofing’ means in the real world! If the Nova gives you the sound you want when you buy it, what is the temptation to risk that with firmware upgrade? If I thought there was any danger of an adverse effect, there’s no way I would perform the upgrade simply so I could turn off the screen (which was one of the initial attractions of the Atom vs UnitiQute). As a simple uPnp streaming guy I really can’t understand all the Airplay and casting stuff - sounds like a mix of flying games and fishing!

Simple answer to these problems. Revert to the version you originally bought, then leave well alone (or sell the Naim and move on).

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You basically have an unsupported product if you don’t do the upgrades. Also some upgrades in the past have fixed glaring bugs in the Uniti operating system. One I found had volume going to max every time you switched input from analogue input if that input had a AV fixed volume set. Had some very nasty shocks I can tell you.

The latest update allows the unitis to finally be fully controlled via UPnP from other controllers such as bubbleupnp and Audivarna. Before you never got gapless.

Other hand there is much pressure to Naim … “Can’t wait for Airplay2”. Many high end brands don’t have Airplay because is not a common standard. Now it’s clear, Naim need to correct the SQ. I also sold my T+A components poweramplifier A1260, preamp PA1260 and Music Player MP1260 for the Nova because there is much more musicality. And now I got functional improvements which are not needed for me and harsh sound as described several times.

John I have the luxury of having two sets of speakers at home, Spendor A7’s & S40’s. I’m pretty happy with the FW upgrade on my Nova now after a week or so, I’m letting the S40’s go as I find them a little slow, recessed and bass light compared to the A7’s but I certainly don’t find them over bright, quite the opposite actually. The Spendors are quite a revealing speaker and somewhat ‘brighter’ then the 40’s but although there’s a lot more detail now with the new FW I don’t find it over bright or fatiguing, it’s rather good actually and right now I’m listening to RP @ 320k and it sounds great, detailed, very organised and great tight bass and that’s just iradio. Obviously peoples experiences will vary but I’m surprised you find it over bright with the 40’s as the esotar is quite smooth I find.