Uniti Star: display panel options

When I toggle through the display icons, I only get Radio, BT, my turntable and TV. How do I program it so I can see CD and USB and remove TV?

I’m using the icon on the remote with the arrow down pointing to the unit. Upper right hand icon.

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Switch the inputs on/off through the setting in the app , It’s the little cog in the top right corner,
You can also reorder them on screen

Am I able to change the options on the Home Screen? I don’t need Spotify but want Tidal to appear.

Also, when I press Input, I only get BT, Radio, my turntable and TV. Can I change this to add Tidal and remove TV?

Yes, you toggle them on and off through the app settings. This answers your other question too.

Under app settings “input settings” as Mike_S above says, you can turn any input on or off. Turning it off means it doesn’t appear on the Home Screen.

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parksung you have created two threads on the same topic, it seems. Best to ask @Richard.Dane to merge them, which will be more useful in the event this topic is subject to a “search”.


Threads merged.


Tidal cannot be added to the inputs seen on the front panel display. Neither can Qobuz or the Server input. They can only be controlled with the app.

You also can’t remove Spotify from the Star screen; it’s a requirement that if any unit supports Spotify then it must be displayed.

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