Uniti Star problem CD

Perhaps it hasn’t happened in the past but a recent and from what I can perceive as a software engineer, significant change has just been rolled out to address those ripping issues which is CD drive related. My first thought is that it may have reared its little head then. After all, my unit has never run anything else. It’s an interesting thought to see that both the units are recent (508845). Maybe users who have had their units a while are more used to just firing up Tidal or Spotify.

I don’t think there is enough information here for there to be an answer, but since I can’t do anything about it for another week, I have a workaround and this forum isn’t full of numbskulls it already reassures me that there’s something worth looking at and it’s not just one of the mixed audio/video/CD-ROM types of discs that are confusing it. I already feel more comfortable.

I still have problem… :dizzy_face:

Only your dealer can help you. No one here can.

Yes, of course

Tomorrow I will have a new Uniti Star :crossed_fingers:


I was asked to return my Star to the shop and have received a replacement. So far this one hasn’t rejected a disc (though I haven’t had it very long) however it does still exhibit strange behaviour. If the (internet) radio has been playing and it falls asleep it occasionally still ejects a CD in the drive. When it doesn’t do that it asks me twice if I want to play the CD before giving me access to the interface.

I feel the CD drive is an afterthought that hasn’t been properly integrated at this point. I may have been better off with the Atom and a separate CD drive at this stage. Perhaps my expectations are high as a software engineer but this isn’t what I would class as a “new” product. In fact, I was almost pushed away from it given that it was released in 2017. Not the best feeling after spending over £3k on something.

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Just a thought are these faulty ones brand new. If not they may need the firmware updating to solve the problem.
The latest is 3.9.0 .5494

I have had a Uniti Star now for 3 years, with no issue’s with ripping or playing CD, so seems like, as with previous correspondence on this, it could just be an issue with newer models.

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Further to my note above, I checked under settings and the latest firmware showing as installed is yet it goes on to say the firmware is up to date??

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The firmware updates as part of the installation wizard. Mine is showing a value of just like @Pickles unit.

Just to be clear @Pickles, do you tend to leave your CDs in? I have my machine on all the time and flit between radio, spotify and CDs. I am wondering (as I’ve seen on a number of threads) that a lot of people don’t play CDs! I frequently do and am inspired by looking at the shelf edge. But I also leave the CD in the player a lot and listen over a few days once I have an earworm. I’m very much like a 90s teenager in that respect.

It would seem that mine is on beta software, last updated Nov 23

Does your beta software also ask you twice if you want to play the CD presently in the drive but you dismiss the first one too quickly, @Proterra? If I leave it for a bit after bringing the unit out of standby it settles for the first answer, if I answer promptly, it dismisses and then asks again a few moments later.

Never noticed that

I believe the last beta and the release firmware are the same (which is normal practice so that beta testers run the release software between beta versions).

How is your new unit going? My replacement unit has accepted every CD I’ve put in it but still freuqently spits CD’s out when coming out of standby.

I also noticed another bug in the radio streamer code where it doesn’t handle the bitrate text correctly when the station doesn’t correctly start… rookie error with “not a number”.

Hi, everything seems fine for now, but I got it on Wednesday evening so I haven’t used it much. I’ll be able to tell you better in the next few days, even if next week I’m going to Thailand for 25 days, so my Naim will go on break. :grin:

Sorry for delay in response to pragmatic_audio. Yes I too still listen to a fair amount of CD’s, as I’m presently doing typing this!
I don’t leave them in after playing , but if I do the Star will eject them when coming out of standby.

Same problem here. Too often a CD is not recognised when loaded and can then only be extracted using the paperclip. This was the case with a ‘refurbished’ unit I purchased recently and now also with the replacement that the dealer kindly swapped as soon as I reported the problem. There is definately a systemic issue here. I have not had a problem of the CD being automatically ejected when coming out of standby. I hope NAIM can work it out. I am now concerned that perhaps units are getting returned to NAIM as faulty because of this, but then sent out as ‘fixed’ because the problem is sporadic and not necesarily repeateble in the workshop. My unit no. is 534628

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I had all kinds of problems with my unity CD drive for ripping audio. It just wouldn’t rip. I sent it back they said it was fine. But trust me when I tell you that it wasn’t. I had to send it back twice. I got it back the second time. It would rip CDs but now and then it still gives me issues. It needs to fully reboot before. It’ll rip a CD. And once it jams it doesn’t rip any more CDs. After that it has to be restarted.

Same problem on the second one Star.
Sh*it product :angry: :angry: :angry:

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