Uniti Star

Would there be noticeable benefit running a NAP250 with a uniti star.
I’m thinking of upgrading my unitilite to a star however I’m running it with my NAP 250 and would be loath to sell it if not necessary.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe the Atom HE to go with your 250?? Unless you definitely want the CD function of the Star…



Well i did hear a nice difference with a Nova, no reason why not with your Star……. But it is not the most sensible way to go forward. A good dealer with ex demo and second hand stock could probably find a better sounding system.

Instead of a new Star, could I suggest a second-hand ND5XS2 (c.£1,500), plus an 82 (c.£1,000) plus a recently-serviced Hicap (c.£700)?

Add your 250 (assuming that it has been serviced in the last decade or so) to that and you will have a good deal more music than a Star can give you - as long as you don’t enjoy the process of playing CDs.

I do Mark for sure

I think that’s an Atom HE would much better idea than a Star with a 250 , and perhaps a half width ProJect CD transport ?

Also probably a few pounds cheaper

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Or Audiolab?


My thought was a half box CD player matched up with a half size streamer /pre-amp

The Audiolab is a cracking bit of kit. I was able to get my CDX2 serviced and upgraded to digital out, otherwise I would be owning one

Put the half-size transport next to the Hicap that the 82 needs? Even an old 72 would be worth considering if half-size is really important.

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It did not improve much for me so if that’s your end system I wouldn’t recommend. Adding nac282 and hicap dr to the mix and streaming form the star made a massive difference though.

I found it an improvement when I added a 250DR to my Star. This was part of a planned upgrade path towards the replacement 272 but I do feel that the Star holds my system back and I am not sure it is a good endpoint. Having heard the system with a Nova instead of a Star, I would say that is a better match and whilst I haven’t heard it, many say the Atom HE is a good match too.

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I think the Star and 250 are a simple mis-match. That’s why I suggested the Atom HE, pre-amp comes in it’s job description .

A CD transport , would be good - but you won’t be paying a for a power-amp section

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Then we are in agreement.

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