Unsung Heroes/Welcome Guests

Clare Torry - The Great Gig In The Sky


Sam Brown

Had some success with her own material.
Countless times being a recorded and a live performing backing vocalist.


The only other singer who has ever given me goose bumps was Rachel Fury during PF’s Delicate Sound… tour in ‘88. What a powerful set of lungs!

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Given the profession of the member in question, I’m not sure that ignorance of the facts is admissable evidence for the defence :wink:


Also the duet with Paul Brady on I Will Be There on the Shine album

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Thank-you Stephen for the fact check . My reply was meant to be tongue in cheek.

yeah unsung heroes, gonna go to 1993, guns n’ roses the album quite unfairly slated, the hero the bassist Mr Duffy (rose) Mckagan, at the time there was rumours axl was in a huff as per usual it wasn’t that clean cut in truth axl was in fact going through a breakdown, if we pay attention to most of the album Duffy was infact doing most of the vocals with slash, so i salute Duffy on doing a great job and sounding quite similar to axl rose

At least Elvis name-checks the ‘backing band’…


Anybody recognise the piano player.

Not that famous, but very recognisable. (No cheating)


Bruce Hornsby. He’s also on her excellent Road Tested album.


I don’t think I have ever seen a photo of Bruce but his piano ‘sound’ is very distinctive.

Saw Bonnie live in 1998 opening for EC at the NEC Birmingham. Don’t think I had actually heard her before then. She was excellent & ‘I can’t make you love me’ instantly became a favourite female vocal song. Should be sung in an intimate club setting, late at night. Bonnie made it sound fabulous & moving at 7.30, in an aircraft hanger, infront of about 13,000 people!


I’ve seen her, probably, half a dozen times. I’m a big fan. :grinning:

I’ve seen Bruce Hornsby supporting Huey Lewis.

Just noticed the guy playing keyboard, in the video below, is a long time permanent member of Bonnie’s band. Guitarist I think.


It does look like George Marinelli. On the album credits he’s listed as only playing guitars?

Agree about Bonnie in concert, she always a joy to see.

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Sid Vicious don’t you mean?:wink:

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Neil Young’s brilliant Comes a Time album wouldn’t be anywhere as good without Nicolette Larsons contribution imo.

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I’m not sure if this counts but Rod Stewart on Python Lee Jackson’s 1972 hit ‘In a Broken Dream’. He was never a member of the band but was a guest vocalist for three tracks. Apparently he was paid a set of car seat covers for the session.:sunglasses:


Rick Wakeman - piano on Life on Mars, and Morning Has Broken. I think he did struggle to get credit for the latter.


Yes, stupid me!! I’ll amend.

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I would like to nominate Billy Preston in his role as a welcome guest on The Beatles Get Back sessions. It seems an inspired move by George Harrison, to offer Preston an invitation to drop by at the Saville Row sessions, after he has encountered him performing with Ray Charles. To quote George Martin, Preston acted as an emollient and his presence had a positive effect on the sessions he attended. Added to the fact that he was a fine musician, and his playing greatly enhances the groups’ sound, as they insisted in performing the songs live. The music produced for the project would not sound the same without his major contributions. Nice that he received a name check on the “Get Back” single.


Jimmy Page - I can’t Explain.