Updating a NAC-N272

Trying to update NAC-N 272 which shows “NO NETWORK”
Should I continue? (All cords connected to guide specs).

Your 272 needs to be connected by Ethernet cable, and also connected by an usb to mini usb to your pc.

Yes, which I did some days ago, before my query, with ethernet/USB4
connection to MacBook Air computer and USB4/mini USB B from computer to NAC-N 272. Have 7.4 on iPad. Naim dealer not interested.
Thinking of using shotgun.
to help

You have misunderstood the requirement for the Ethernet connection. The updater program delivers part of the update over Ethernet and for this to work, both the 272 and the MacBook need to be connected normally to your home network and get IP addresses. It’s ok for the MacBook to be using WiFi as long as the WiFi signal is strong but the 272 needs an Ethernet cable from the 272 to your router or a switch on your network. You can move the 272 to a temporary location if you want to, but you can also do it in the normal rack.

Anyway that’s why the program is saying “no network”.

Expected because to do the update you’ve removed it from the network and connected it to your computer.

Just to clarify: The MacBook on WIFi (will get IP address) + with USB/miniUSB cable be connected to Naim. The Naim shall be connected with Ethernet cable to router. Not to modem.
Trust I got it right.? Thanks for your last comments. Appreciated.

Yes router, or an Ethernet switch on your network, if you have switches.

Have you read the actual instructions? There are lots of small details you have to get right or it won’t work.

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Thanks David for mentioning the router; I have successfully downloaded the 4.9 update & 7.4 app but can’t access more than few stations. Example: 5 stations only in Jazz and single digit in other genres in lieu of the thousands talked about. Any suggestions?

Almost there! Almost all of the hierarchy on these old streamers is accessed via a geographical tree rather than a genre tree. So navigate to where your station is located rather than the type of music it is. If you look at the pinned thread (at the top of the Streaming Audio room) of New Internet radio requests and look back for postings by @Stevesky who is the software director at Naim who leads this project, you will find many explanatory posts from him with lots of information about how it works and why it’s like that.

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