Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

I watched a video on Netflix one year ago called The Game Changers.

It’s certainly changed the way I eat, and really helped with my health problems.

What happened to NDS?

If that happened to any of my kit on a return from service, I would not accept it. It should come back in the same state with the repair or service done

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The NDS went off to Naim for screen replacement and there was a small nick on bottom right front corner when it came back. And the remote no longer works. The dealers are working with Naim to try to get replacement fascia of unit.

It looks like the unit has been updated and the old remote is no longer paired.

So the dealer is working with Naim to get things sorted.

In the meantime they have given me large discount on Karousel.


The LP12 is being dropped off at Audio T Brighton tomorrow for a Karousel bearing fitted.

I am very excited about this as everyone has recommended that I get this done.

Have been streaming mainly with ND5XS2 used as transport into NDS.

Some damage was done to NDS along the way so Audio T are trying their best to deal with this as well. It’s minor but will be good to have it at it’s best.

Looking at new fascia when Naim can source them.

Anyhow it’s a minor issue. The important thing is the music which sounds astounding!


Regarding: System Pics 2023 - #5443 by Dan_M

Hello Dan, replying here rather than on system pics - before it gets locked & cleansed X)

I’ve tried XS3 internal stage, Stageline N and Graham Slee Accession. All with my XS3.

The XS3 and Stageline both sounded pretty similar with my old TT - a Systemdek IIXE running a Goldring 1042 stylus in a Roksan Corus body. Unfortunately I found out fairly recently that the tonearm cable I was running, and “upgraded” to, is particularly unsuitable for MM cartridges, so I was likely not getting the best from either. It sounded fine to me in isolation, and I hadn’t heard any other systems in years at that point, so the upgrades all sounded mostly better, just not as good as they could have sounded.

When I added the Accession the jump was pretty big, even with the poorly matched cable and cartridge combination. Everything was better. It’s hard to judge these things, but it was kinda the same sort of change as CD5 to Chord Hugo was on my digital setup.

When I upgraded my TT to the SL1200, and added the DV10x5, well, that just sparkled, and growled, and sounded like the incredible upgrade it is. I haven’t since tried the Technics through the internal stage, or Stageline. I suspect both would sound better than they did, particularly at the top end, due to better compatibility of a low capacitance phono cable, and HOMC that is less sensitive to capacitance loading than my old 1042. I’m too busy enjoying it all to try :wink: But there’s no way they’d beat the Accession.

The short answer is that even with the suboptimal setup, the Accession was much better than XS3 and Stageline. I paid about £700 or £750 for my Accession + Enigma PSU, used.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:


That’s fantastic news and sounds like a great upgrade.

I am more thinking if I ever do any further upgrades on my LP12 the next step would be Radikal of some kind. Used from £1700 for Radikal 1 in Akurate case. The Radikal 2 Klimax is obviously better and can be had used for £4250.

And with the Radikal or Radikal 2 the Urika phonostage appeals.

But would the Graham Slee Accession beat the Urika.

And of course with Urika looking at low output MC cart. So then it all starts costing big bucks to change out.

The Lingo 4 is another option and is meant to be alot better than the Lingo 1.

I’m only doing the Karousel as it was funded by the sale of my 82 and the dealer knocked off alot of money as there were some problems with my NDS screen replacement. The remote no longer works and the bottom right hand corner of the fascia got damaged somehow.

I will see how the Karousel upgrade works out.


Aye, I thought long and hard, and even started a thread about high end MM vs equivalent cost MC. I decided MM (ok, HOMC, but with semi reasonable replacement costs) in the end… and yet I’m looking out for used Accession MCs. For no other reason than I’ve never really heard a MC and think perhaps I should at some point before I settle back and live with what I have :smiley:


I’ve got the same cart and it’s very good. Like you I had Goldring 1042 before hand. I had the Goldring for years and replaced the stylus quite a few times. I prefer the Dynavector 10x5. The Dynavector P75 Mk4 phonostage is meant to be good as well.

The other option I have is my Nac 52 has K boards fitted. So could fit appropriate MC cart that way and loose a box.

I’ve always been happy with Reflex M phono stage. I think it’s still good after quite a few years with it.

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I would stay put given your system. I think it’s well balanced. How far do you go with these things?

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Cheers, sage advice.

It’s all balanced at the moment, but I have dark thoughts about NC gear :smiley:


I think you are hitting your mental limiter here which is generally what happens to me in a similar situation. Things can run away with themselves when you start spending and realise you need to add this then that (A bit like a building project don’t you think? :joy:). My view would be leave your phono solution as is for now and maybe move forward with a used Radikal1. I only say this because its not too far off the price of a new Lingo 4 and this is the route I would have gone if used Radikal were available at that price when I went Lingo 4. You’ll probably forget all about sub/arm and cartridge with Karousel and even more so with a Rad.

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I’ve heard all the NC gear and it’s a very different sound. Benefits are lower noise floor and extreme clarity, particularly with 300 series. Have heard 222 250 system and 332 300 333 300 2 x 350 system a few times now.

The 300 series is very very good. Very clear and quite brilliant.

I have just done a big series of upgrades on my systems on all fronts and am very happy with it. Had 4 boxes repaired or serviced, purchased ND5XS2 used as streaming transport into NDS as DAC, 52 and new Focal Sopra 2s. 4 powerlines. And now the Karousel on LP12!

I think that’s enough.

Maybe my ideal system would be (all used):

Linn Klimax LP12 level

552 DR
500 DR
555DR PS

If I did that would move CDS2 and XPS2 to another system.

If I went 300 series which would be new

Linn LP12 Klimax
2 x350s

I think you can get better deals on 500 series based system now than the 200 or 300 series which would have to be mainly purchased new. I don’t think there would be much in it with above two systems.

I would also consider going DR and change out my 135s for 300DR or 500DR and change Supercap 2 for Supercap DR.

Upgrades are limitless if you are prepared to spend the money.

But, will it make you happy? Or do you end up chasing a dream? When is enough just that? Or what I have found is it always makes me happy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am taking a day off after a scan and dropping LP12 of at Audio T. Enjoying listening to ND5XS2/NDS/555PS through NAS. Sounding epic.

My dark side on upgrades is lowering the noise hence interest in DR and the 300 series.

I think with what I have maybe this would do for starters IF I went down 300 series route:

Already have:

Current LP12


To buy:

2x 350s

Then sell:
Supercap 2
2 x 135s

Then change out ND5XS2, NDS and 555PS in time. Note these are just thoughts. The kit is so expensive right now. Prices will come down in time and in 5 years time will be more available at reasonable prices. And of course the new 500 NC will be out then. Nice to dream about things!

What components were you thinking of NC?


I think you’re spot on Paul. I’m leaving it a few months. Am sorting out wills and a remortgage on a rental property I have and extending the lease, so lots of other costs at moment.

The Radikal 1 pops up every now on then. So maybe something to get in the new year.

The phono stage and cart can wait. The cart still sounds good.

Tbh, the LP12 sounded very good beforehand. The Karousel is raved about on here so I thought with Audio Ts fantastic offer. Would be rude not to. They shaved a few hundred pounds off.

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I’d like to rationalise my streaming setup. So the NSC222. But I can’t also afford the NAP, so would have to go Olive something, probably an olive 250.

However the NSC all feels a bit compromised with its inputs, for my purposes at least, I’d have to use the 8 pin DIN for my TT, and the RCAs for my CD5.

I did think of running the NVC TT instead of my GS into the NSC, allowing me the option of MC at least.

Then thoughts go to the NAC332, whose inputs are a bit more flexible, though is silly money for me.

I end up back where I started. I suspect long term I’ll wait to see what NC integrateds turn up. Pick up a decent used NDX2, probably go for any new NC Supernait, and call it a day :wink:


I would wait it out. The 222 didn’t leave me thinking I want one. Wasn’t that bowled over by 250NC either. Look they are very very good. But I don’t think they are better than my system.

A 52 with my streaming should be better than 222. But has 5 boxes!

The 332, 333 and 350s did. I think they are better than what I have and they should be. Possibly my NDS, ND5XS2 and 555PS equals a 333 plus 300. But think the 300 is a bit better somehow. The 333 and 300 gives the ND555 and 555PS a close call.

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On the subject of whether to upgrade a 52 to 552, the price of a used non-DR 552 is moving closer to the price a used 52/52PS so the swap cost is getting smaller all the time. I not considering it at this stage but in a couple of years I might think about going for it. The question is, whether it’s worth it for me with a non-DR. The DR version is not likely to be an option due to the additional cost.

I prefer the Nac 552 non DR,better boogie factor.


Well we all hear things differently, very happy with my recent upgrade to 552DR from the original version!


Just popped into my head just now so I thought I’d mention it. I remember in the past some talk about reversing the sleeves of the CB 135s so they matched better with an Olive setup. The rear of the sleeves are dark. Just wanted to get that out there. It’s just an aesthetic thing but you might like the idea.

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