Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

With a semi functioning NDS and two other sources with CDS2 and LP12 it is not a major issue.

But would like a good reliable streamer, higher quality than NDS which can use my 555PS.

ND555 used dont come up much and are pricey. NDX2 is not meant to sound as good.

Also I have alot of boxes as is. Don’t really want another box.

It’s a pity Naim don’t offer upgrades to existing streamers. Linn can upgrade their streamers with different DACs and so on.

If Naim could upgrade streaming platform in NDS would be amazing.

These boxes will end up as doorstops otherwise.

The CD players are going someway. Naim need to look at this as keeping classic items sustainable and upgradeable will help save the planet!

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That will be great.

A major upgrade with Qobuz.

Well worth it.

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Yes, but will require an extra Fraim shelf. And will upset the look unless I get a longer lead made up and hide the ND5XS2 somewhere else in the TV unit.

I like the idea @JimDog as as its simple and doesnt mucking about too much. How are you getting on with yours?

Sounds marvellous with a DC1 BNC cable to the nDAC.

Same NP800 streaming card as in the ND555.

If you could start with it on a shelf, by moving something else temporarily, and just see how it sounds.

Then maybe you won’t want to hide it in a drawer! :grinning:

Then you have the streaming card, and the dac chip, and the suspended boards of the ND555, but with the advantage of separation into two boxes, decoupling the dac from the streaming unit.

I’d love to hear a ND5XS2/NDS/555DR compared directly to a ND555/555DR.

The gap might not be so great.

I’ve had NDX2/NDS/555PSDR and while not having heard the ND555/555PSDR the NDS without NDX2 sounds bit warmer/organic and NDX2 adds some definition and tightens up the sound. What one prefer is another story :slight_smile: The amount of boxes and cables is also a thing to think about… I’m starting to get bit tired of it so my system better behave :smile:

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Listening to my NDS via Audirvana is such a huge jump in SQ. I wonder if that has the same effect as adding an ND5XS2. The transport is clearly the weak link of on the NDS. But the DAC is sumptuous.

It’s really not that much hassle @Dan_M . You just need a laptop and a 6 quid a month subscription. I think it was @Blackbird that put me onto it. No going back.

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So relieved to read. All the best and keep up with loving hifi and music.
Best regards !

I sense a ND555 incoming soon……

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I’m pretty sure he doesn’t do the screens. I’m fairly sure I enquired about a UQ1 screen and was told it had to go back to Naim… I just searched my emails, yep, as of 2021-07-06 at least!

I don’t think they’ll end up as doorstops, as there are workarounds. But as you rightly point out, not everyone wants that hassle. It might affect resale value though, NDS sales on eBay through straight auctions don’t seem to be very strong, which might be partly a result of that.

A NDS on the end of a standalone modern streamer is not much, if any, more fuss than an NDAC playing the same though, if you want to look at it that way.

Might be worth taking a look at a Bluesound node, or Primare NP5 into your NDS, it wouldn’t cost loads to try, they’re available second hand, and you could resell quickly. They’re also small enough to hide, certainly easier than a ND5 XS2. You could then pretty much “set and forget” the config of the NDS I think. Anyway, just a thought, hope you work it out :slight_smile:

You don’t hav e any issues with Audirvana losing connecting with NDS now and then? It does for me and to get back I have to toggle the inputs on NDS so it initialise and re-start Audirvana. Mostly an issue if I switch between radio and albums in Audirvana. But indeed Qobuz + Audirvana is wonderful on NDS. Best would be if Spotify HIFI would be released and supported on NDS but guess that won’t happen…

From what I’ve heard the Bluesound Node will make NDS sound worse if used as a streamer. It will be compatitble with Qobuz though.

I don’t want it to sound worse. I want it to sound better. This is why best suggestions are audirvana work around, requiring subscription and laptop, or ND5XS2 used as streamer and NDS as DAC.

Step 1 is to get screen fixed on NDS then enjoy my system. I’m in no rush to buy extra boxes and new laptop or subscriptions.

Will enjoy what I had with CD player, NAS drive files, iRadio and Spotify. And the LP12.


I have a big box system already. Having another box and effectively a 3 box streamer is not sure where I want to be.

NDX2 with current 555PS could be another option.

Not sure yet just speaking my thoughts out loud!

Servicing of 52, Supercap 2 and XPS2 on tuesday. Enjoying road trip so far.


I tried my Bluesound node as transport into my NDS. I was only using a cheapo optical cable but the PRAT evaporated.

Haven’t noticed any problems lately. But the I do listen to a lot of radio which I’ve never been able to get working on radio

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Why not try an ND5XS2 instead of the NDS? In other words, use it on its own. I bought a two month old example recently. When it arrived I put it on top of the Fraim in place of the Radikal box, took the ethernet cable out of the EE8 and plugged it in. I used the Music Works mains lead from the Radikal. It sounded astonishingly good. Without unplugging leads from the ND555 I didn’t do a back to back comparison, but it certainly didn’t disgrace itself. You might be surprised.