Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

There should normally be a gap of around 2-3mm between the IEC housing and the product the Powerline is inserted into when fully in.

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The service for the 52, Supercap 2 and XPS2 is now booked in with Darran at Class A for tuesday. Have managed to acquire 4 power lines. One on block, one on Supercap 2 and one on each 135.

Looking forward to getting units serviced. Driving up to the midlands first to see one of my sons on Saturday and Sunday and then seeing a friend in York and then off to Sheffield on the Tuesday.

Must admit I am excited. Then the only thing to deal with is the failed screen on the NDS which I can live with for now.

Happy days!


Enjoy the road trip. The servicing as you know will be very worthwhile. The 52 is a very special pre-amp and deserves all the love it can get. Happy days indeed! :notes::notes::notes:


Dan, your system sounds pretty similar to my own.

I have Linn LP12/ARO/Dynavector TKR, NAT-01/NAPST, and Naim CDS II (needing a new transport mech)/XPS) as the sources.

Two NAP135s (LHS and RHS) each powering a stacked pair of ā€˜newā€™ (ish) QUAD ESL57s.

And an NAP250 (taking out of phase signal from a Naim AV1 rear sound processor) powering two more ESL57s for rear sound effects.

Itā€™s all actually less complex than that description suggests.


@anon70766008, probably best to get your CDS II repaired with all due haste. There are NO new mechs available anymore (nor likely to be), but the wizards at Naim do have a box of bits with which they can resurrect failed mechā€™s. I know this because my CDS II has recently been repaired in this manner. I wonder how long that box of bits is good for. Act now Graham.


Thanks for that, Graeme. Iā€™m very reliant on Audio T here in Brighton for guidance, as I know that I canā€™t speak to Naim directly about this.

I will call Audio T first thing tomorrow and see what they say

Thanks again.


In my experience you are both right. Bit of a head scratcher for me to understand why a plug lead should have an effect at all but it does. Like you I put them on 135s and the sound is bassier and clearer which is probably similar to what you are describing. I bought more but still need to fit them.

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I have just had a powerline delivered today but seems silly to put it on Supercap 2 now as I am dismantling system saturday morning ready for servicing 3 boxes.

Will enable me to clean Fraim shelves and rebuild system.

With 4 powerlines I am pretty much there. Not sure I will bother with XPS2 or 555PS powerlines as they have great plugs already. Knowing when to stop.

Will be better to invest money in better mains block or LP12 upgrades if I am to keep 135s. Or save up for 500. Canā€™t see any non DR 500s out there.

Will enjoy the wonderful system I have built up. Everything sounds like liquid gold at moment and with servicing will sound even better!


System sounding so sweet. Listening to Kruder Dorfmeister CD on CDS2 and XPS2. Bass on Sopra 2s in amazing. Sounding so damned good as it is.

Things will get better soon.

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Hi Graham,

Get your kit serviced by Darran at Class A. Will make a big difference. Cheap as chips as well compared to Naim. See if he can service your CDS2.

He can turnaround servicing within a few days. Like I said he will try to service my 3 boxes in a day and will cost me around Ā£800.

Naim will charge quite a bit more. I will let you know how it sounds when its all done.

Hi, Dan, I will call Darran tomorrow, and see if he can help out with a new transport mech, or even re-build my own. I have no idea what is possible.

Incidentally, how are you keeping? I think that you had some bad health news recently.

(My sincere apologies if I have got this wrong.)

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I believe Darran has stopped servicing cd players due to lack of mechs. Do check with him though. Seriously though, if you want your CDS II to perform as it should, phone Naim and speak to them about what is or is not possible for your player.

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I have done. Last time, about a year ago, I was told that they had run out of the mechs, but were scouring the world for replacements.

Hi Graham, I have cancer diagnosis for anal cancer. But all clear in July. They donā€™t call it remission but cure nowadays. I am fit and well. Cancer could come back but am focusing on a positive future and will deal with anything as it comes back. Thanks for asking. Going to continue with my life in a positive way, hence road trip. Visiting family, friends and hifi servicing!


Thatā€™s great news!

You have my very, and continuing, best wishes.


Might be worth doing just for the fun of hearing whether it makes a difference, and if so how much.

Otherwise, you may never get round to making the comparison.

I think itā€™s likely to make a positive difference, and bring a smile to your face. :grinning:

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Not sure where in the midlands your heading but Leicester and as a result anywhere nearby is going to be mental this weekend due to radio 2 in the park event.


Can Darran do your NDS screen as well?

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Iā€™m going anyhow. The journey to see my son normally takes 5 to 6 hours. If all is clear 4 hours at best. Itā€™s 220 miles and with traffic things can get bad.

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Not sure Stu, didnā€™t ask him. He is doing alot in a day and he said it is not guaranteed that he can do it in a day. May do that as separate job if he wants to do it. I think he specialises in older equipment.

There are people who do the screen replacement for less than Naim, but may be best to take it to dealer and hopefully they give me a streamer to use while its repaired.

The NDS works fine. Its 2012 and the screen started to dull 2 months ago. Now it is dead.

Be good to get it fixed as if I sell it will be essential.

Streamers, esoecially with technology changing have limited lifespan.

I dont know what to do about it. I dont want to spend time f**king about with it to get Quobuz working with it. I dont have a PC or laptop at moment. I do all my business on my phone.

Was thinking ND5XS2 going into DAC of NDS but donā€™t know if that will be great. NDX2 will be an upgrade in streaming performance but downgrade unless it goes into NDS DAC.

Thinking leave it alone. See how new Naim streamers are and maybe get one of those. Or do nothing.

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