Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

If you mean the New classic, yes. @Dan_M

I feel that Naim have taken everything away and started with a new platform of products. New era, new dawn. New future. Itā€™s very good but not traditional Naim.

I didnā€™t think it was better. Just a much more clearer presentation. Less foot tapping. Almost more analytical and digitised. Not knocking it.

I have listened to extremely high end systems with Plinius DACs and Silbatone Amps that blew my mind with sound quality. The quality was sublime.

Evolution moves things forward and I think Naim are moving forwards.

I have a wonderful system based on vintage electronics. Maybe I will take myself into the current era at some point.

It has given me food for thought.


What are your thoughts?

@Dan_M I dont like the 200 series, my olives comfortably outperform it. The 300 is good, v powerful monoblocks, lots of detail more mainstream presentation IMHO, I suspect iā€™d like it but I only had a few songs with it so not a lot of time to make a strong judgement. Still feels subjectively different.

I really like what I have and just want to wallow in music at the moment. The next improvement Iā€™m making is a more comfortable listening seat - should arrive late oct/early november.

My preference seems to be olive amplification and Im pleased with it. The only hardware upgrades Iā€™d contemplate at the moment are new speakers, or a pair of 135ā€™s. When I can, I will play with some more room treatment as I like what it does. otherwise Im at my endgame

Iā€™ve spent quite a lot recently, mostly as retail therapy as i have had lots of medical things going on. Need to let it all settle down


That is correct. The leads for the olive/classic/chrome are not suitable for long runs


Yes, the dealer said more mainstream as well. I found it technically very good. At first I didnā€™t like it thinking this doensā€™t blow me away. I listened to it for a few hours and I got into it. It is very different from Naim sound of old but I thought it was very very good.

2 x 135s sound great. I had CB 250 which was serviced and sounded good. The 2 x 135s sounded identical or so I thought when I got them. But louder. As I got on with them there is a subtle improvement. But its exactly the same sound, just bolder if that makes sense.

If you listen to music loud it makes a big difference as they have cooling fans. I loved the difference and have had the 135s for 4 years now.

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I did a direct comparison at my friends house between his 250 and a pair of 135ā€™s I bought that he later bought off me into his ATC SCM40.

The outcome was that the 135ā€™s had much better separation of instruments.


I have been dealing with Cancer and have had an op amd chemo radiotherapy and have been through complete hell. So I can relate to you and when I turned 50 in July this year I decided to take early pension from company I worked for previously for 19 years. I took a lump sum and the pension paid each month to easy the strain of being a self employed builder. It may help you to talk about this stuff. I have put it it all out there on this forum and have received alot of support from my comrades. We are here for you haydj.


As you would expect, I think. The NAP135s are very hard to beat. Iā€™ve had a pair for over 30 years now, and feel no need to move on from them.


When going from CB 250 to CB 135s I found sound signature identical. But first thing I noticed was they played louder. Then I found that they offered more. Subtle at first then quite big change. More of everything. Living with them for 4 years now they offer power, quality and dependability. I had them serviced when I bought them. The fans ensure they never cut out at loud volumes and they sound fantastic.

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I donā€™t think that I have ever had the fans turn on. Can you hear them when they switch in?


Same here, Iā€™ve had my four 135ā€™s for about 8 years.

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I havenā€™t got the fans running on my NAP 300 yet. Iā€™m very disappointed :cry:

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My fans are on alot.but then I play alot of Techno music and Drum and Bass. You can only hear them when you turn the volume down.

Previosuly I had a 250CB and it used to cut out when it ran too hot.

Thatā€™s why I changed to 135s to get the cooling fans :rofl:

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Youā€™re not playing the music loud enough.


I got the 300 pretty warm this afternoon with a Slyvan concert on DVD, and I was playing that very loud :sunglasses:. I donā€™t think I got the fans to run though :flushed:

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The fans on my 135ā€™s came on one day last year during the very hot heatwave. More to do with the weather than working them hard. It was nice to know they do their job when required.


The fans are very quiet. I can just hear them between tracks but I only sit about 2m away from the 135s. Mine only kick in during the summer heatwaves though and that is only because my log cabin is more susceptible to external temperatures than the house.

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Exactly the same reason I changed to 135s. :grin:. However the improvement over the 250 over the last 5yrs is very noticeable even now. The soundstage is wider and taller and as previously mentioned the separation between the different elements of the mix is more apparent. I wouldnā€™t go back.

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I used to have Linn Sara speakers on the end of a chrome bumper 32.5/hicap/250 and never settled with them.

One day, my local dealer offered to demonstrate a brand new power amp called a 135. It was mind blowingly expensive, or so I thought. Then I heard them and burst out laughing after about 5 notes of the first track. Finally, finally, the Saras were properly GRIPPED and told what to do. Basslines were so very much tauter and faster. It wasnā€™t subtle at all.

However, I couldnā€™t afford the 135s at the time, so sold the Saras and bought a new speaker called the EPOS ES14 which was cheaper than the Sara and sounded gorgeous on the end of my 32.5/hicap/250.

Best regards, BF