Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

I like to tinker!

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Yes - fully understood :sunglasses:

Which switch do you use?
Ciscoā€¦ try innous - please. Like a box upgradeā€¦

I think thatā€™s because the 350s use balanced connections back to the pre, which deal with longer runs better than the single ended connections the 135s employ. Someone else can hopefully confirm or refute my understanding :slight_smile:


Thanks for advice. These things are never simple. The original leads are very short.

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Cisco switch although had problems with Naim stuff funnily enough. So NDS goes direct to router.

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Itā€™s funny that all other internet connections work well but when it comes to Naim there seems to be a problem! I have spent so much time in the oast trying to get NDS work with Tidal and was told by Naim support that its an internet problem. I did diagnostics and changed IP settings and gave up!

If this is the case that the leads canā€™t be made longer and work well I think the three stack approach will work well with two 135s on two medium shelves which I have. Then Brain stack wonā€™t have 135s on it. It will look good and I will move the stacks to the left wall rather than on the back wall.

Thatā€™s a much better idea. Leave the 135 leads as they are. Maybe you should try a 333 with your 555 and sell the NDS. Using the latter just as a DAC seems a bit of a waste.

The leads should not be shorter either, always use the original length for best sound.
Naim choose single ended on BD,CB, Olive and Classic, because that sounded better.
The NC are balanced, they will work with longer leads.

333 is Ā£7900. My proposal is complicated I know but will cost a third of that.

I have listened to the 333 through 300NPX and very nice it was too.

Yes, if I had unlimited funds would get all New Classic 300 series.

Others look at it and think sell everything and start again. And just get a NC 222 250 system. Get rid of CDS2, power supplies, all of it. Simple.

My system is very complicated tbh.

Not really, because in your proposal youā€™d keep the NDS, but with the 333, or indeed the NDX2, youā€™d sell it. But yes, itā€™s more expensive overall.

Have you heard 300 system yet?

I think if on budget a 332, 333, 250 NC with no power supplies would be interesting. With room for upgrades.

I listened to 332, 333 with 300NPX and 2 x 350s.

Thing is I love my Olive, CB and Classic system and have invested highly in servicing and it sounds so good.

But future looks very interesting with these new boxes.

Give it time and when price drops on used units, then maybe I will start changing out.

Price drop new 250NC Ā£3995 on auction site. Deals already.


Dan, I think you have a fantastic system, it should sound superb. Ive listened to the new stuff and I think it sounds different - but certainly the 52/sc/250 combo does not sound broken at all and is fantastic value now. Im not interested in moving.

Wrt streamers, my NDX2/555PS combo is ā€œdifferentā€ to the CDS, but is probably on a similar level of performance IMHO.


Iā€™ve not heard any of the new stuff, and have no desire to do so. The Nova does everything I want. Iā€™ve surprised even myself.


It sounds very different doesnā€™t it. I donā€™t.know what to make of it. The dealer himself said it sounded more mainstream.

Yes, and more interchangeable with other systems. My dealer thinks its fantastic.

My judgement shouldnā€™t be trusted though, I listened to a full statement and disliked it immensely.

Itā€™s very different @HungryHalibut. A different sound altogether. Very very good but not the Naim I am used to.

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Have you listened to it yet?