Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

Yes, I don’t mean that I want the LP12 to match the ND555, as in sounding the same, more about enjoying the difference in presentation at a similar level of performance, whatever that means :roll_eyes:

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My LP12 and NDS now sound very close and I’m very happy about that. Where I own the vinyl, I listen to that but many of the albums I love were never released on vinyl and my vinyl collection will never challenge the huge catalogue available online. Two sources of similar quality are therefore essential imo.


First off Dan sorry to hear about your health issues, and certainly hope it all goes well.
Secondly, you are right, don’t leave things till tomorrow if you can do them today, no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Thirdly, as far as turntables go, everything in the chain matters, especially up to the point where it leaves the phono stage. You need everything to be right, and as good as you can get it,or afford. As the weakness point is certainly highlighted more by vinyl than other sources.

But get it right and it can also be the best sounding solution you can get.
It has taken a lot in my system for a turntable to get close or match my digital side, but it is possible, and finally i can say my turntable just beats my digital as top source, and really that’s quite remarkable these days when you stop and think about it all.
Vinyl certainly can still stand up very well and shouldn’t be overlooked if you want the ultimate sound experience.

That’s my view on it, but once again Dan hope all goes well, chin up as they say and try and enjoy life to the max.
Cheers dunc


Thanks Dunc,

Speaking to my dealer and listening to everyone here my LP12 had the original Akito which was upgraded and repaired by me at Audio Origami and sounded very good. However it was mentioned that an Ekos 2 will get alot more out of a better phonostage and cartridge. And so I decided to upgrade the tonearm and Cartridge at the same time. The Dynavector XX2 mk2 is two levels up from 10x5mk2 and is low output moving coil. As my phonostage was MM only I decided that I need an MC phonostage. After some research online I found a Tom Evans The Groove + SRX power supply. So the newer ones retail at £5k. This one I offered £200 less than asking price used and got it for £1350. So it’s not the latest and I hope it works okay.

I don’t know how it will work out. The power supply is a separate transformer box but is quite heavy. It all look solid and well made.

The LP12 is at Audio T, so until it comes back I don’t have the LP12. They will work on it this week and should have it as my Christmas present.

I am hoping it all sounds really good. The T Kable and a Trampolin is also being fitted, both used. With the newly fitted Karousel, everything will have been upgraded apart from the power supply. And despite what is said on here the Lingo 1 is still alright! It’s not that bad.

The Radikal 1 upgrade will happen sometime soon. I made these decisions based on life being too short and the very real likelihood of having less than 2 years to live.

I am buying stuff I would normally wait for under different circumstances. Selling the CDS2 and XPS2 will offset some of this. But these LP upgrades are extremely expensive. With Karousel, looking at over £5k of turntable upgrades being done.

So, it should sound better. And hopefully it should sound closer to quality of my streamer.

Thanks for your support guys. Am fighting cancer and enjoying my system.


It will be fantastic ! I only wonder why they will mount a Trampolin ,when you have a Naim Fraim for the LP12 ?

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To be perfectly honest the subfloor isn’t great either. When putting a record on I have to move away from from stack to prevent the record jumping!

It’s a new build house around 2000. I did have the turntable previously on a shelf. I may go back to that but I love the 3 stack Fraim and the way the LP12 looks on the Fraim.

It currently has a hardboard base which is past it’s best. Obviously the Trampolin will not benefit the current situation.

I will come up with a solution. For now improving the base will if anything else be a good selling point.


It may be worth just taking off the baseboard altogether until you get the Trampolin.

Keep up the fight, Dan! We’re rooting for you!

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The Trampolin is being fitted at same time as cart, tonearm and T Kable.

Should be very good.

That’s great to read. Your base LP12 is the same as mine and my dealer has recommended the same upgrades (Lingo 4, Karousel, Kore and Trampoline), so that’s encouraging. Yet to think too much about the cartridge though.

A big tick for the dealer’s recommendations :+1:

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The Trampolin is a compromise ,should only be used if you want to have the LP 12 on a heavy furniture,it´s not an upgrade if you have a dedicated stand.

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Ah, okay, I have an isolating platform on a cabinet:

If you have a Urika there is no choice regardless of stand.
They come as part of the tramp.


Yes ,but a Linn amp is also a compromise :wink:

If the isolation platform is heavy, then a Trampoline can workout,but always better with a light support and a Base board.

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Don’t have a Linn amp. :wink:

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I meant the Linn Urika,that you mentioned.

Bit if a snake oil comment there - not according to my long suffering Linn/Naim dealer of 35+ years :grinning::grinning:

They want to sell you stuff :wink:

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Ha ha :+1:

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