Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

:grinning: :grinning::grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Be in no rush with PS Dan

Try them all

I have the Superline/SupercapDR/ Armageddon combo on my LP12 ARO

It swings along beautifully with drive and gets one into the music

My other Sondek is the 40th anniversary Klimax with Radikal 1/Urika - completely different sound to ARO - very accurate and tons of detail but sometimes to me can sound a bit clinical and perhaps a little cold

Don’t discount the Lingo 4, it’s fantastic value I had it on my 3rd LP12 with Ekos 2 and rebuilt Troika ( since sold too many Sondeks ha)

The world is your oyster as they say


Yes go for an Ekos 2 it’s a fantastic upgrade.
I had a Lingo 4 ,I did go back to a Lingo 1 serviced without mains filter,much more enjoyable and musical than Lingo 4,
in my Naim system.

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Every upgrade is great………or rubbish. It entirely depends on …….:man_shrugging:

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Depends on if you listen to PRaT or Tunedem :wink:

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I’ve posted about it all on other threads previously and would rather not go into it here if that’s ok. Let’s keep this thread for Dan.

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Ok fair enough. Dan did ask you about the RP10 and has already commented that he does not really mind a bit of thread drift which I feel would help his decisions as well

Personally, I have not used my LP12 for quite sometime. It needs maintenance/upgrades and new cartridge which is probably the main reason why the lack of use. At the start after the upgrades in 2005, I used it alot and to my wife’s disappointment, bought large amounts of vinyl LPs which is difficult to find space for. Personally I would strongly suggest Dan sticks with his streamer and accesses all music from quobuz or the likes and ripped CDs not forgetting decent internet radio broadcasts and gets rid of the CDS2 and LP12 altogether.

Until 3 months ago, I was seriously considering selling my LP12 and vinyl but I thought I’d give it another chance by upgrading the phono stage. In the event I just added a Supercap to my Prefix. What a different that made. I’d been mainly streaming for about 2 years prior. Now I listen to both sources pretty much equally. I’ve also just add a CD555PS to my NDS and now have 2 sources that I get an equal amount of pleasure listening to. I’ve also thinned out my vinyl collection by about a third down to stuff I regularly listen to. Just goes to show how our thoughts jump about over time. It’s worth thinking long and hard about ditching a source.


Nope. Committed to LP12 for 101 reasons. The LP12 will sound amazing with the following additional upgrades to Karousel:

New cart Dynavector XX2 mk 2
Phonostage Tom Evans The Groove plus SRX power supply
Ekos 2
Linn T Kable

£4500 used upgrades apart from new cart. Phono stage new is £5k but got it on deal for £1350. New the upgrades would cost £9k.

I am pretty certain that all this will push it up to my streamer level, and possibly beyond.

And if doesn’t I will get a used Lingo 4 or Radikal 1. I am on the prowel but nothing used has come up yet.

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But CDS2 will be sold. Gonna wait it out as I had a problem with NDS while it went back to Naim and a chip on front fascia occurred. So CDS2 will be used while further repairs on NDS are carried out in the new year.

So going down to 2 high quality sources. And selling other stuff.

The phono stage will be really interesting. Was thinking about the importance of it and it is paramount. Possibly more important than Lingo 1 vs Lingo 4.

Look at this way. The cart sends the signal via the cable from the cart to the phonostage that processes it to the preamp and then to the poweramp.

The power supply spins the record and timing is essential and accuracy of speed and consistency.

Both important. But phonostage can potentially retrieve more from vinyl.

This is partially in answer to HH saying I have missed a trick.

Know this HH. I never miss a thing. Everything is considered on all levels. I got a better phonostage in anticipation of a Radikal 1 when a used one becomes available. This would be in sync with an Ekos 2 and will work okay with Radikal 2.

Know that a man like me has all bases covered. I do things in a Radikal way.

I know what I want and I am working towards it.


That’s the spirit man :+1:


That’s what I thought in 2005. A few weeks later it was not that I was committed but more like that I should have been committed after spending that sort of money. Apart from the very last setup I always had the niggling thought if it was set up properly before that last setup. That’s the only thing that really puts me off and not so much the cost of the upgrades

I’m sure you will love it Dan. Radikal LP12 upgrades when done properly are great

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We will see how the LP12 sounds when set up with upgrades. I am very much looking forward to it.

The Ekos and T Kable should be here today. And the phonostage later next week.

Audio T have the new certridge ready and the phono stage should be here by wednesday!


It really doesn’t matter the order in which things are done. Working towards a greater goal remains the same. Most of us have some short term budget constraints but we get there in the end. Knowing what we want in the first place is half the battle and many people don’t.


Exactly :+1:
Fix the end goal in mind. Stay the course…

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The Ekos and T Kable turned up today. And a bit of a surprise, the phonostage turned up too. So drove to Audio T and took LP12 in so they can fit everything.


I’m a little in this dilemma with the LP12 too. Could spend a lot and still not be close to the ND555, Probably over thinking it and should come back to it after a summer break.

But if it is better than your Rega……just soak on it……the upgrades are not going away, no rush?


The LP12 will always sound diffferent to your ND555 Mike

Fully loaded with most of the upgrades that you could do to it will give you a lovely sound

As you know I play vinyl, streaming and CD’s and they all sound great in their own way

As you say have a break from thinking about it too much



If we strive to make different sources the equal of each other, sounding as near the same as is possible, then why have multiple sources? Surely the idea is to enjoy different presentations, different levels of quality and different levels of physical engagement with our systems.