Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

And when the old stuff is sold and gone I won’t care anyway. The new system prevails. And what it looks like is changing it all out for £2500 and loosing the CDS2 and CPS2.

Which I don’t need anyhow.


I checked with dealer on my purchase as stickers weren’t shown. I asked when it was DRd and why stickers weren’t shown on pics.

Their phorographer isn’t capturing them. It’s on iniside of left heatsink I believe, and if photographed straight on won’t be shown.

And sometimes they don’t even put sticker on!

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Inspired by @Dan_M’s love of loud rock played on his LP12, I thought I’d give this a go - a 1984 original pressing. Goodness me, an old Valhalla LP12 has no right to sound this damn good, the dynamics and drive with the 552/300 are fantastic. The LP12 has no right to sound so like this, for such a bargain second hand purchase.


Pre Cirkus rules :v::sparkles:


I couldn’t say, this one has had a Cirkus bearing upgrade……

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Aha,even with Cirkus it’s an LP12,has a boogie factor like no other record player or streamer.


I’ll likely add a Lingo 4, but very much on the fence over the Karosel and Kore upgrades, as I don’t want to loose the magic of the old girl.

I had a Lingo 4 went back to Lingo 1,as I much preferred it.
I have also had Karousel,Kore but much prefer Pre Cirkus.
I know of several who move back to Pre Cirkus from Klimaxlevel,because it is so much more fun to listen to music


Hm, just saw one for sale….

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Nah you whoose kiwi - go for it :crazy_face:

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