Upgrade HDX-DAC-XPS to NDS-555PS?

similar setup = 52/135/SBL as well?
That would be interesting, as I felt in the past that olive and black does not always fit together (only my opinion with a superfine vs Prefix - and I am very alone with this impression :slight_smile: )

My black streamer, dac, supercap and 555DR sound sublime with olive 52 and 135s.

(Some people insist on their box fronts matching visually, but I’m focussed on SQ).


so - on Saturday I will look for an ND5XS2.
The 555PS is currently parked as I have a full timetable and will have to find a matching one…

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I went from HDX/nDAC/555ps to NDS/555ps in 2015 and for me it was a significant upgrade… in all areas.

People seem to have mixed results with the success of the NDS - if I’m honest I don’t know why, but I have found it is very sensitive to what you feed it (noisy Ethernet muddies the presentation, so you need to get the basics right I think). The various software updates over the years have also given varying results, but I think the latest has been by far the best. I now run mine with Roon via a bridge and the results are just sublime, so it’s going nowhere.

Wouldn’t suggest you buy one blind, but if you can get to try one, you might just find your bargain of the century!

Edit: just seen you’re running a 52 with 135’s. I would expect the NDS to show the ND5 XS2 a clean pair of heels with that setup. Of course you won’t get the latest platform with the NDS but if sound quality is your priority, I would recommend the extra effort to give one a try. Good luck!


I will give it a try some day.
First step is the streamer - think it will be better as source as HDX. But like the HDX as well. When a 555ps comes up, the nds is worth a try.
All 3 also might work together :slight_smile:

So… ND5XS2 is here and it sounds perfect! Oh yeah it is better than HDX.
Will test much more tomorrow.

One question…
When powered up coming from standby there is a louder clicking inside. It is louder - does not sound any damaged.
Is this normal?
How is yours when switched on?

Think it is normal behavior… Click

I think I will not shut it down it to standby… will keep it in operation as all my units :o) so no click

You should hear a single click from the relay when you turn it on. More than that may indicate a fault.


It is more like a very fast double (or triple) click (Less that half a second) - it sounds exactly like a Relay clicking. After that total silence. Single click when turned off.

Is this fine?

Really like it and want to keep it

Yes, it’s normal.


Thanks - Made my Night!
Was a Bit surprised. Never had such Mechanical clicking at naim before. My older onkyo avr also has a eben longer triple Relais when Switched on.

But nd5 is (except - muso 2) my newest naim Gear.

I am very surprised how much better the streamer is compared to HDX. Very happy with it! :heart_eyes:


Congratulations on the new streamer. We are enjoying our new one as well.

Now you just need a 555 :laughing:

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Yess - looking hard for a 555ps.

As the new streamers are so good. What do think …
Is it worth to compare a ndx2 in this setup. Meaning going digital in the nDAC.

What I really like is, that the punchy sound is still here - Think it is DAC related.
Does the ndx2 streamer is recognizeable better when used without internal DAC. Board is the same - do not need display or remote. We have a lot of iOS devices here (iOS 15 :o)

Wonderful the nd5xs2 - I am in love.
Now I need a push to change to NAS.
Currently the HDX is doing his job as a server - organizing his iternal files as well as the ones from NAS.
When I select HDX in naim app, it is better organized. Even with last played option and top 20.
When I open minim server I can stream - but it is more folder structured.
Have tried the nd5 as server - but with no effect. Maybe this will help. Have transcoded all wav files from hdx with software on my macbook, so I have all flac available for NAS… :slight_smile:

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What software did you use for this? If you mean HDX software such as N-Serve you should be fine. Most other audio transcoding software will lose the metadata from an HDX rip, so test this on your non-Naim server (Minimserver?) if you haven’t already done so.

Software is called “to flac converter” (can I write this here?) - it is not for free.
Works perfect - I checked all files. Only a very little had wrong tags. All Flac are tagged and ready for NAS Play. I did this as I liked to keep a WAV copy of the HDX Rips one the HDX

Does the Naim App control the HDX like the old n-Serve app? I could never get the Naim app to work with my HDX.

N-serve for hdx as Player only. Naim app does not work.
When Steamed frim nd5xs2 the hdx is shown as server in the naim app

Ah, OK, that’s what I figured. Although a steamed HDX sounds pretty tasty…

There is a huge difference in sound between hdx and nd5xs2!
Hdx is a bit brighter but with limited soundstage. With nd5 it opens up and is much less harsh in the upper spectrum.
It really sound analogue - with its digital limitations. Vinyl has more information - but with nd5 the sound is very similar. Instrument separation is phenomenal! Soundstage is wider than before and wider as my Vinyl setup. Vinyl is more together but deeper in 3D soundstage.
With acoustic guitars playing nd5 clear behind vinyl, when it comes to resolution. With hdx it first sounded better with guitars (brighter sound) but … nd5 wins :o) But - my nd5 is nearly brand new. There is a lot of running in to come.

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