Current system, Supernait 2, ND5XS2, Kudos 606, Epic X cables.
I’m fairly happy with this set up but don’t think I’m getting the most out of the speakers. Can anyone recommend an upgrade that won’t cost more than £2K. Someone recommended a NAP 250.
All my kit is second hand so I’m happy to continue down this route.
Any suggestions most welcome and apologies in advance if I’m covering old ground!
Thanks in advance.
World is your oyster. Depends on budget. The 606s will love anything all the way up to 552/500! As the SN is a remarkably capable integrated I would start at the front and look for a NDX2 if possible with a XPS or 555PSU. After that I’d think of seeking out a 282/HC/250DR, all this could be done 2nd hand and is very good.
Alternatively if your thinking new 222/250 might be your best starting point.
Thanks for the recommendations. Will look into a used NDX2. Seem to be around £2.5k so quite doable budget wise with a trade in.
The kudos 606 can go active; so supernait / hicap / hicap / snaxo / 250.
strong text
Source first- NDX2 with eventual addition of XPSdr or 555drps- depending on budget
Nac 282, second hand, into SN power amp.
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