Upgrade to New or Old Classics?

I did the Ekos 2, new MC cart in one hit needed a good phonostage to go.with it. I took a punt and went for Tom Evans phonostage blind. I saw the new version costs £5000 new and thought a used one at £1350 was a good deal.

I couldn’t afford to do Radikal and an MC phonostage at that time.

Not everyone likes Urika or Linn amplification. I have heard the LP12 Klimax with full 500 system. I guess that was my dream, and still is!

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What’s your favourite of your two LP12 urntables?

If you could only keep one what would be your choice?

I’ve never had both TT’s side by side

Love them both they are just different but there is something about the ARO/Geddon combo ( my long suffering dealer agrees) that sucks you in , even though the Urika/Radikal is more detailed but can be on the “cold” side sometimes


Found it :slight_smile:


Now Dan stop pushing me mate to pick

Buggered if I know but if push came to shove possibly the LP12/ARO/ Kandid/ SL/SCDR/Geddon combo

It just swings along in ( I hate using word ) a musical way which I can’t really explain



You have them both, so best of both worlds!

Yeah one day I’ll have them side by side and that will put the cat amongst the pigeons as they say

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You need a third one :smiley:

Did have at one stage !!!

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I’m happy with my system now and it’s not going to change for a good while. In future it’s likely to get simpler because my mind always drifts back to reducing box count, to reduce future servicing costs if nothing else and maybe with a new pair of speakers, unleash the potential of my front end.

Radikal and Urika would be my first step in a couple of years maybe (funds permitting) followed possibly by SCM40a speakers to replace 135s/Keilidhs although I am nowhere near wanting this bit to even think about going to listen to a pair and they would have to be significantly better in any case.

Looking forward to reading a review by you on the Radikal :blush:. Good luck and all the best.

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Old Classic…:innocent:


@Pete_the_painter @Mike_S

I think you might be right Bjorn

Certainly on price

Just saw the 2024 UK Naim product price list

Doing a rough conversion into Aussie dollars looks as though the NSS 333 Streamer will be in the vicinity of say $18k taking into account duty , tax etc maybe more . 332 preamp similar

The NC 250 has also increased

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It’s a become a bit irrelevant now. I’ll be staying with those old classics. :grin:


Yeah Harry said to me just stick with what you’ve got

However he did say the NSS 333 streamer is somewhat superior to the NDX2 - he says that on his Facebook page

It’s $7k more it’d want to be.

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Yep I’m comparing it to what I paid for the NDX2 - probably $10k more plus trade in

The SQ would want to be double for that which I doubt but you never know

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Then there’s the power supply, cables etc it’ll soon be cheaper to hire a band. :grin:


Hi Dan,

I’m not thinking about power supplies for the foreseeable future! When I did my demo I listened to the three and four boxes without power supplies and both sounded fantastic to me, it was a bit of an eye opener tbh. The great thing with the NC systems is the power supplies are common and optional, nothing apart from money and space preventing them being added in the future. Very smart thinking from Naim there.

As for making the choice between the systems you’ve listed there, that’s a really tough one isn’t it?! I think if it were me and I had the space that you have (the pics of you cutting up your sofa were priceless :joy:) I’d probably go for the 500 kit, that has to be the ultimate reachable system (assuming Statement isn’t feasible :crazy_face:). Your current system through those speakers must sound fantastic so that makes the choice even harder.

The reality for me is that I don’t have the space for a 500 system, never mind the funds. At the start of last year I thought I’d likely try to go to the top of the Classic range, then the 200 series was released followed by rumours of the 300 series so I decided to wait and carry on saving. I’m glad I did because these new boxes really fit with what I was looking for, a big jump in performance with less boxes, the optional power supplies are a bonus along with the modern ‘lifestyle’ features (that I appreciate more than I thought I would) … and the new case design, they are stunning :slightly_smiling_face:

I reckon you should just enjoy your system and the music … for now at least :slightly_smiling_face:

All the best,

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Well in your case Pete , maybe the option is to only upgrade to the NSS 333 , trading in the NDX2 and keeping the 252/SCDR/250DR

Providing the NSS 333 improved SQ is worth it of course

Source first approach

Not happening, can you use the old PS? Wasn’t aware that I bet the cable costs as much as 2 weeks in Bali.