Upgrade to New or Old Classics?

Having things “warmed up” used to be a bit of a Naim selling point. I still suspect that the New Classic change is due in part to regulation, actual or feared, rather than pure sonic goodness. The Old Classic doesn’t kill your electricity bill, and if it’s the environment you’re worried about maybe just skip the new car upgrade.

On which point, currently the New Classic is surely akin to that new car. By all means buy it if you’ve got the dosh and like it. But the Old Classic has all the depreciation now baked in. A 500DR upgraded and serviced 6 years ago in excellent nick can be had for a mere 15% premium on the New Classic 250 RRP.

Just the streamer - but more recent feedback from dealer/Naim is that the improvement is more readily noticed after the burn-in period. I now have the 333/332/350 running through the 804s and they are sounding great despite suboptimal room acoustics. Big difference moving to NAC A5 speaker cable too

Proud owner of a 5 box (soon to be 6 box) 300 series myself but excellent comments on how achievable the 500 series actually is.

I have to add however that I personally would not cope with the extra ‘nurturing’ and attention required with a 500 series!

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The new 300 series makes alot of sense. The 500DR is a beast and weighs a tonne.

Whilst I think the 500 series sounds better, I think the gap has closed quite a bit and on hearing the 300 series kit many times at my dealers I think it’s excellent. Plus it’s brand new, under warranty, looks great and is more versatile in terms of set up.

Be very interested in how you think it sounds with the 300NPXs on both the 332 and 333.

I am very happy with my system but am still considering 300 and 500 systems. Mine is mix of Olive, Classic and Chrome Bumper.

Was thinking of keeping 52 and getting 500DR. Trouble with 300 series is I don’t want to faff with legacy cables! Or ditch the lot and get 300 series like yours.

The great thing at this level is our systems are fantastic!

I suspect that your system is fantastic Dan (I have not heard any of it!) and find your comments on potential upgrades as very interesting. While my recommendations would be to get the full 300, if you can cope with (as I am sure you can) the necessary faffing required with the 500 series, then I think the consensus would be to go all out for the maximum 500 series you can afford.

The alternative is to do nothing and continue to enjoy your fantastic current system.

I am intentionally not referring decisions to your current, terrible medical challenges as it is all about musical enjoyment.

My heart goes out to you Dan and your incredible bravery. I for one, look forward to your continued contributions to these forums. Your responses are greatly appreciated and respected - I am sure that I am not just speaking for myself.

Good luck Dan.


My system is fantastic and I would say comparable to the 300 series level. However, it is slightly warmer in presentation and less clear. The 300 series has a lower noise floor. I also benefit from a mid to high spec LP12 and fantastic speakers and full Fraim and powerlines which helps alot.

I am quite happy to do nothing much with it. My next step if anything at all would be a Radikal for the LP12. But having just upgraded the tonearm, cart and phonostage very recently it is all sounding superb.

I think the 300 series and 200 series makes so much sense nowadays and should be easier to set up and live with. Less messing about with tricky cable dressing.

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I agree with this, I was extremely impressed by how well the full 300 system sounded with SCM50s and my 40s, whilst the 500 system does sound better it is a step beyond reach. For me, the 332 and 333 are within the realm of possibility with my 250 if I could work out how to fit it all in and when I heard this combination with the 40s I really enjoyed the experience. The 222/300/250 combo is very good but the 300 level pre and streamer just took it up another level and now I have the NVC TT the temptation is very much there. I have been pondering if maybe a half-width rack alongside the full rack would allow it.

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It’s a big step up and price to pay getting both the 332 and 333 and taking a bit of a hit on selling the 222. A half width rack could work well if you can’t fit in two full stacks.

But, if you’re going to do it you have to get the 332 and 333 at the same time. I would keep the 300 NPX as well.

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I would keep the 300. In fact, I did consider trying another 300 on the 222 to see how much of a difference it made. If enough of a difference then maybe I wouldn’t feel the need to get the 332/333 and if not enough then I would have two NPX ready for them. But it would be a big expenditure and I am very happy with the vinyl side of the system, I now feel that the streaming side is a step below. Damn Naim for making the NVC TT and NPX TT and me for listening to them. I went to listen to them out of curiosity mainly and after a few bars I was pretty convinced, several tracks later I handed my credit card to John and Paul and had spent money that I hadn’t intended and now feel it is one of the best hi-fi purchases I have ever made.


Yes this was a big selling point for me along with the way they’re all integrated, power supplies are optional not necessary, and the sound of course :slightly_smiling_face:

I was getting a bit fed up with all the cables etc in my previous 7 box system, I’m now at 5 boxes and maybe 4 in the near future … home demoing the 333 for a week starting on Saturday :slightly_smiling_face:


It makes sense. I have a massive system with 14 boxes if I include the large brick for the Phonostage behind the rack. And spread over three Fraims!

Part of me would like a simpler system. I am not sure I am ready to do that as I have only just bought half my system since July 2023 onwards.

I ripped up one of my sofas and have taken furniture out to accommodate the new set up.

A 332, 333, 350 system will sound very, very good. Have you considered a 300 NPX to go with the 332 or 333 at all? When I have listened to the 300 it has been with both power supplies and I believe it sounds amazing with them.

With going from my set up which has a ND5XS2 into NDS with 555PS used as DAC, I think my streamer sounds equivalent to a 333 with 300NPX. The 333 has different sound signature to NDS though, being clearer and more neutral. So for me a 333 bare may not be enough.

With my 52 with Supercap, again if I changed it out would be looking at making it better.

I think the 300 system with 300 NPXs sounds amazing.

But then the problem with me is I always want more. And having 14 boxes is not a compromise. Being single I don’t have to.

Having 4 boxes is very practical and your system will sound more than good enough.

So I was thinking if I made changes to my system it may look like this:

LP12 with Urika built in phono stage to reduce box count
Radikal power supply
Zoneripper NAS

So 9 boxes instead of 14. Would consider starting with one power supply as well.


Zoneripper NAS

Again 9 boxes.

Was also thinking of just swapping out 135s for 350s but then not sure about legacy cables.

I guess I will just get the Radikal if I can and maybe swap out current phonostage for Urika. I am contemplating selling my beloved CDS2 and XPS2 but am not certain at the moment.

The point I am also trying to make is I believe that Naim systems are now even more exciting with the new classic options.

My plan at some point was to go for a 500. The options are now more open. It probably makes most sense for me to do nothing at all at the moment and see how my health goes! But these ideas are a lovely distraction and a good talking point :rofl:


What’s your current phono stage Dan ?

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Tom Evans The Groove + SRX Mk I. It’s very very good. It’s also quite a decent size. I have written about it on various threads. It’s my first MC phonostage.

Thanks must have a look through threads

I have both the Urika/ Radikal 1 on one of my LP12’s , and the other the Superline/SupercapDR with Armageddon combo.

Bit reluctant to change the Geddon , still does it for me in a different way albeit not as detailed as Radikal.

The new classic NVC TT phono and NPX TT combo I would assume it’s equivalent to say a Stageline/HICAPDR combo , but I don’t really know - rather expensive too


From comments on here, potentially unguarded, Naim staff rate the NVC as just below Superline. I expect that means somewhat above Stageline

Will try and find a link…

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Thanks gthack much appreciated

Once I get Radikal it’s got to be the Urika for me. I have far too many boxes and I plan to go Radikal and Urika in one hit. And then sell the Tom Evans which is actually more expensive. It’s used and I got quite alot off the price as well.

Will be a bummer if Urika sounds worse! But then I won’t know because will be doing Radikal at same time.

That’s if I make the move to Radikal. It’s dependent on health, work and money!

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I would have thought the NVC would be a big upgrade on Stageline and HiCap DR at double the price. It’s new technology as well.

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Yes indeed Dan the Urika /Radikal saves on a shelf that’s for sure so very efficient from that point of view

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Well yes one would think so but haven’t seen reviews on it

Still need separate TT PS also - wish Naim would bring out NC Geddon

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