Upgrading from Supernait1 + HiCap to Supernait 2 + HiCap DR. Is it worth the €2.000?

I saw an ad where a shop sells a Supernait 2 + HiCap DR for €3.500
I think I can sell. my Supernait1 + HiCap for around €1.500.
Because it is all used gear I can’t go to the dealer to compare.
So I wonder if someone has heard the difference and can suggest me if it would be worth the €2.000?
I use the NDX2 with Qobuz as my main music source

€3,500 is a lot of money. Is it possible to take your SN/HC to the dealer to compare? Some will say yes, the difference is worth it, while others will say no, it’s not. You need to decide based on what you hear. Another option might be to keep your Hicap and get a 282 and 200. That would be a conclusive improvement.

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I’m accustomed to the USD market but that seems overpriced to me. I’d consider going private sale (if an option) where you can get a better price.

Does the SN2 offer come with the HiCap DR included?
If not, you could go for the HICap DR initially and see how you get on with that feeding the SN1.

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Alternatively, sell the SN1 and HC and buy a SN2 without HC. Not everyone prefers the SN2 with HC to running it bare. Even if you do, the extra cost may not be justified by the SQ improvement.


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€3,500 for SN3 and HCDR seems reasonable to me, equivalent to GBP 3,000. The question is rather whether it’s worth €2,000 for the upgrade.

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Very interesting. Has anybody compared SN1+HC to SN2 bare?

I have. Hicap dr on SuperNait 1 brings it much closer to the SuperNait 2 when I did the demo a few years ago. You really need to try it though. According to your profile you have esl’s and the slightly beefy character of the sn1 might work out beneficially in your situation. That’s just a feeling though.

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My experiences have been the same. I have yet to be wowed by the SN1 to SN2 difference. I am chewing no getting the SN3 with a custom power build but tbh I might miss my SN1 too much :slight_smile: But as suggested demo demo demo … take your top 6 tracks and run an online 24 bit radio station as many times as you can. The biggest issue for me is growing into a system. I am as deaf as a pregnant earless ferlangie. So nuance is lost on me but feel is not so have to wait for everything to settle and for my ears to attune before I can finally decide if I like the system as a whole or not :slight_smile: Gives me something to do I suppose :slight_smile:

I’ve not done that comparison myself. What I did do when I had SN1 and HC was to have the power supply upgraded to DR. To my ears that was one of the best value moves I ever made. So it also might be worth considering swapping the HC for HCDR.

But as with all things audio, that’s my personal take on it and there are a few forum members who take a different view, so, if possible, auditioning is best.


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I’d second the suggestions that, for that much extra money, you could at least consider second-hand 282 and 250DR to go with your Hicap. If that’s too pricy, olive 82 and 250 are great VFM.

However, no one here can tell you what your ears will conclude, so listening is an important step, even if a bother to achieve. I’d discourage that sort of outlay without listening carefully yourself.

Thanks for this information. I thought that the HiCap DR only worked well with a Supernait 2, because the 2 also uses the DR technology. But that is not the case I understand now.

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