Venting fan for tubes amp

I finally decided to order the tallest Fraimlite shelf. The best solution in my case.

The little self powered fan I ordered will certainly be useful in my office, during summer. And also before I receive the Fraimlite, which will take probably several weeks.


@frenchrooster You mean Mimas? yes I still have it. That picture of my Ayon was from a few years ago… Here’s my current setup… Mimas on top. It gets hot, so room to breathe.


The problem is that I have the Ear 912 on top already, it’s tall and needs also to breathe, and the P10 on top on the other rack.
I will try tomorrow to put the 534 on a wood platform, on the floor. If I didn’t run of cable length, then I will perhaps buy an amplifier floor shelf.
Another dealer, the Esr Yoshino one, does recommend strongly to have nothing above the amp. So my dealer was a bit wrong.

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