Vintage TV and Movies - what are you watching?

Loved it as a kid, loving it in middle age :grinning:


It’s one of my secret pleasures, watching old movies and disconnect from these weaponized times we live in.


2 hours of Leni Riefenstahl’s ‘epic’ documentary ‘Triumph of The Will’. 2 hours of comically dressed men marching around saluting each other interspersed with short vacuous speeches by you know who… 100‰ dreadful

Next up, Chaplin as The Great Dictator :grin:

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I didn’t really discover UFO until middle age (I got a secondhand interceptor as a kid I think). It looks fantastic on BluRay.


Indeed my bother had one - I remember you could put a cap between the missile and trigger to create an impressive bang. They were also green rather than lunar grey I seem to remember.

That’s right, the one I had was green.

I am watching my Blurays again… I love Sylvia Anderson’s 21st Century fashions… and I think I always had a bit of crush on Gabrielle Drake aka Lt Gay Ellis


You’re not alone :slight_smile:
Have you watched the episode “Close Up” (s1.ep11) yet, in which Gabrielle Drake has a more significant role? The dialogue between Straker and Lt. Ellis is as cringe-worthy as it could be … I recall showing it to my young-adult children some years ago as a demonstration of just how bad the inequality of the sexes was back in the 1970s. I won’t spoil it by quoting said dialogue in case you have this dubious pleasure to come!


Charade (1963): I can’t believe how anyone could stop watching this masterpiece part-way. First seen one Christmas night (probably the big BBC film that year) and watched multiple times since … the last time on a wonderful BluRay.

For me, it’s one of those very rare movies: it gets better with every viewing.

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lol, yes, that is the episode I was watching that prompted me to post :wink:

Yes… just because you are a woman in a man’s world you don’t need to work harder (or words to that effect) and don’t forget you are an attractive girl… indeed how times have changed… for the better in terms of equality.

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Yes, definitely one of the better films of it’s time.
As for being able to watch it in two sittings … my wife and I have good control over our film viewing excitement, coupled with excellent memory skills, so it doesn’t alter the enjoyment of the film at all for us.

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