Vinyl madness. How many £'s have you parted with?

Maybe too much, maybe not enough.

I am selective in buying only music that I really want, if I’m unsure I stream it. I have a handful of ‘One Step or equivalent’ editions and have spent a good few quid on a small number of box-sets but it has to be on an artist that I really really like.

My collection has a good mix of music and there is a enough vinyl to keep my LP12 spinning for many a year so future purchases will be very very selective.

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Back at slagging off vinyl again I see.
The people who love vinyl will never agree so why not just give it a rest and just stay away from vinyl posts?

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I do prefer vinyl but when you can get maybe 3 CD’s for the same price as one album then it becomes a bit of a dilemma.

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I agree, vinyl is expensive (sometimes stupidly so) therefore I’ll stream a title several times before purchasing new vinyl. If I can avoid dud buys I can justify the extra outlay on the titles I want.


Collecting is a very specific thing. Most vinyl is mass produced and rather worthless, a good rip and DAC deliver sound close to the best analogue sources. But if you want that rare pressing, early release or whatever is your thing price is a secondary issue. I have about 2500 LPs that get played rarely despite a top end LP12. Should I sell them to somebody who cares more?



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I replied that people were growing tired of paying ever increasing sums for vinyl and were returning/going to the better value CD format.

My point is that with the prices that are sometimes being charged buying a vinyl copy of a record, it is a rip off.


Vinyl is my preferred format and I agree prices are sometimes silly. I would also agree that CD is more often than not better value for money.
What I cannot agree with is the “CD is a better signal carrier” stuff you keep spouting on about. Constantly bashing a format because you prefer something else is tiresome.

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The most I have paid, recently, is… £10-00.

Both were used LP’s on Discogs.

Would have been much cheaper to have bought them when they were new…
Which I could have done… :thinking:

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I don’t know why people bother with these vinyl threads they always attract the same boring for and against posts that rarely have anything to do with the OP.


I don’t think I’ve paid more than $80 for one record, and those were all out of print things. Based on discogs prices, I’ve done well on my purchases, though I realize it would be a lot of work to actually get that.

Here my Discogs dashboard, view from 2 years.

Have paid up to £80. But only where it’s a birthday money / pressie type purchase.

As per others, generally only buy if the album is “essential” (to me). An album where I like less than 8 out of the 10 tracks is very unlikely to be bought on vinyl.

€68,00 as you can see, for a very special release (in my opinion) by Prince.

And another 149,00 euro for this:

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You should buy that one, very good. A bargain.

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Thank you for the suggestion @frenchrooster, I already have it.

Prices have just gone silly in recent years, last purchase was almost £35 but one of only a couple this year.

It’s compounded by all the superfluous versions available in different ‘colours’ or multiple bundles at differing price points assuming everyone really wants vinyl/CD/postcards/booklets etc when maybe you just want a decent no frills replacement release for something that’s been played to death or damaged.

You are joking ? I saw it costs 27 k ! Perhaps the most expensive vinyl to buy.

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That is for an original promotion copy from 1987, there are less than 100 copies.

You can purchase a mint, normal copy for about 100 euro, it cost me 15 euro many, many years ago.

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