Vinyl madness. How many £'s have you parted with?

On one LP?

Oops, oh no I should have read the first post properly!! no, its on my total collection, sorry peeps!



The most expensive release on my want list is the Grateful Dead Cornell 5xLP which is about £100

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There was an article in the Guardian the other day, saying that many young people are fed up with vinyl prices and are going back or starting to buy CD’s. I saw a record label was releasing LP’s with some alleged audio special sauce and were charging €100. This is insane pricing in my opinion. Technically the CD is a better signal carrier and I never pay more than €20 for a CD, sometimes less.

My local record shop is starting to sell second hand CD’s. at €6-10 a pop, I can afford to experiment and buy stuff on a chance. I have discovered some great music, I di not consider before.


£110 for a pink label VdGG Pawn Hearts with lyric sheet.


Spent £70 on importing this from Germany only to find it was massively warped :rage: fortunately got a full refund but really struggling to find a decent copy

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Maybe too much, maybe not enough.

I am selective in buying only music that I really want, if I’m unsure I stream it. I have a handful of ‘One Step or equivalent’ editions and have spent a good few quid on a small number of box-sets but it has to be on an artist that I really really like.

My collection has a good mix of music and there is a enough vinyl to keep my LP12 spinning for many a year so future purchases will be very very selective.

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Back at slagging off vinyl again I see.
The people who love vinyl will never agree so why not just give it a rest and just stay away from vinyl posts?

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I do prefer vinyl but when you can get maybe 3 CD’s for the same price as one album then it becomes a bit of a dilemma.

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I agree, vinyl is expensive (sometimes stupidly so) therefore I’ll stream a title several times before purchasing new vinyl. If I can avoid dud buys I can justify the extra outlay on the titles I want.


Collecting is a very specific thing. Most vinyl is mass produced and rather worthless, a good rip and DAC deliver sound close to the best analogue sources. But if you want that rare pressing, early release or whatever is your thing price is a secondary issue. I have about 2500 LPs that get played rarely despite a top end LP12. Should I sell them to somebody who cares more?



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I replied that people were growing tired of paying ever increasing sums for vinyl and were returning/going to the better value CD format.

My point is that with the prices that are sometimes being charged buying a vinyl copy of a record, it is a rip off.


Vinyl is my preferred format and I agree prices are sometimes silly. I would also agree that CD is more often than not better value for money.
What I cannot agree with is the “CD is a better signal carrier” stuff you keep spouting on about. Constantly bashing a format because you prefer something else is tiresome.

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The most I have paid, recently, is… £10-00.

Both were used LP’s on Discogs.

Would have been much cheaper to have bought them when they were new…
Which I could have done… :thinking:

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I don’t know why people bother with these vinyl threads they always attract the same boring for and against posts that rarely have anything to do with the OP.


I don’t think I’ve paid more than $80 for one record, and those were all out of print things. Based on discogs prices, I’ve done well on my purchases, though I realize it would be a lot of work to actually get that.

Here my Discogs dashboard, view from 2 years.

Have paid up to £80. But only where it’s a birthday money / pressie type purchase.

As per others, generally only buy if the album is “essential” (to me). An album where I like less than 8 out of the 10 tracks is very unlikely to be bought on vinyl.