Vinyl thoughts

Great head shell choice I always had Audio Technica Magnesium jobs when I had that type of arm previously. :+1:t2:


Yeh, get that. Northern Soul’s my thing and putting on the 7” always feels more ‘real’ than anything else.


I find the 1200s are just as happy with more subtle music and instrumental bands. I have no electronic or house music on vinyl at all and feed my GR a heavy diet of 70s funk and soul. It’s incredibly good at extracting nuanced detail. The right phonostage and cartridge and it more than holds it’s own against my far more expensive streamer given a superb disc. As for which is better, I never compare vinyl with digital. It seems pointless. Compare turntables with other turntables or DACs with other DACs. But vinyl versus digital is like comparing books to the multiplex cinema; they’re totally different things.


Good analogy.

Very nice.
I like that they made the arm black as well, unlike the 1210GR/1210GR which both had a silver arm. And the other feature that the strobe light can be set to turn off once the correct speed has been achieved.

I might have gone for this one had it been available at the time :wink:


Looks fantastic. Is it pretty much plug and play with inbuilt phono?

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No phono but otherwise easy to use. I use a Stageline N.

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Agree with this sentiment…and then begins the debate: which is better books or films?

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Books. Your mind is a vital part of the process of reading.

Films, you’re just an observing passive eye.

Books: set your imagination free
Films: your imagination is bound by those of the director, producer


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