Vinyl thoughts

I’ve been looking at Technics a lot recently. I have a load of old 45s ranging from excellent to rough so the thought occurred to me that it would be good if I had one cartridge for them and a better one for decent albums - changeable headshells et voila. I know there are some fans on here - how does the 1200g stack up to competition?

Love a technics, good strong dependable turntable, had a 1210 mk2
For years,

Yeah, but mine sounds awesome now! £9k on and counting :rofl:


For now as you say. Radikal is on your list if I remember. But why not, if you like the infinite upgrades on it, who I am to criticise.

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I haven’t directly compared, but I had (have, but it’s for sale) a Perpetuum Ebner PE1010mk2 which, with a 2M Bronze, bettered the lowest spec LP12 (project arm back then). My Technics betters that, I also used an identical cart on both to A/B.

At the time, the Linn LP12 was about the same price as the Technics if I’m not mistaken. So even though not directly compared I would rate the Technics much higher.

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It’s a very serious bit of kit. Don’t let the DJ features fool you. I made fun of the SL-1200 for literally decades.

I now (having eaten crow) have the lesser SL-1200GR but for my tastes, it does things an LP12 couldn’t for me even at a fraction of cost. A SL-1200G2 is easily up there with some of the finest turntables. And it can do finesse too. Classical pieces really shine.

That said, tastes vary. Given the same cartridge as a LP12 or Rega at current specs, all three will sound markedly different and what does it for me might not do it for you. But in terms of putting PRaT at the forefront of the music, the Technics is, to my ears, well ahead.


Very interesting. I also thought less of the Technics 1200 Series of TTs for a long time, but lately, not so much. For my requirements, I’m beginning to believe they may be just the ticket.
If you don’t mind me asking, how are they with skipping from footfalls on a suspended wood floor?

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They have just about the sturdiest chassis of any deck and all the feet are adjustable and spring loaded… As you’d expect for decks that have to not skip at nightclubs and all manner of environments.


I have an SL 1210GR2 arriving this week - looking forward to being able to report back in comparison to my entry level SL100C…


Interesting, thanks. Yes, I associated Technics with the electrical shops where you could also buy TVs and washing machines etc., not “proper” HiFi. Things change and this could be the TT for me, def worth a listen.

Look forward to hearing what you find.

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Very good to hear, thank you.

I auditioned a 1200G against the Michell Gyrodec SE/Technoarm and Origin Live Aurora/Encounter. All with DV 10x5 and through my Graham Slee Accession, XS3 amp and Neat SX3 speakers, over two separate listening sessions.

I preferred each deck at different times with different music. The Technics is way easier to use. At the end of the final session I found myself listening to track after track on the Technics, that plus the ease of use, its looks and my youth spent in clubs made me go for the 1200. I think it stood up very well to the well regarded decks above, I think it’s hard to make definitive statements about “better” between £4k deck/arm combinations. I have no regrets!

I’m ignoring talk about a 1200G2, as part of the reason for buying the Technics was that my previous TT lasted 30 odd years, and I didn’t want to buy another one for at least as long :wink:

Edited to add: the OL deck was amazingly transparent, the Gyrodec did things with vocals that made me exclaim out loud, the 1200 seemed to do everything right without having any particular area better. So whilst the other two decks had highlights, the 1200 was better across the board almost everywhere else. To my ears anyway, it might just have been nostalgia and build quality that did it in the end… if that’s the case then that’s ok with me too. My takeaway was that decks at a similar and pretty expensive price point all sound good, so considerations other than SQ can be valid.


I also have the Technics - 1200GR - Rega Aria Phono stage And Hana Moving Coil cart. I auditioned this against Rega P8 through same phono stage and cartridge. The Technics just did everything better IMHO. The build quality and ease of use was also a massive plus for me. At the end of the day let your ears decide for you.


Indeed, kind of had an itch to own an LP12 for a long time as I’ve never had one but long lusted over them. The ability to easily swap over cartridges though may just tilt things in another direction.


1210GR2 arrived today. To say I’m pleased is an understatement…

@gthack - couldn’t justify a ‘G’ having blown savings on a new streamer also!


Very very nice!!

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Cool - how does it compare to your previous TT? Also, how does it compare to your streaming set up?

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In comparison to the SL100c (aka 1500C without internal phono stage), its greater clarity was immediately obvious. Improved bass definition and depth has also come to the fore after the immediacy of the first album I listened to.

How does it compare to a NSS333? Well it’s not the same - it doesn’t have the insight, refinement and clarity in really complex music and passages; probably due to the higher background noise inherent in vinyl. But we are comparing a TT and cartridge at about 1/4 the cost of my streamer. It’s not as refined as the 333 and on purely hifi terms is not ‘as good’.

I find that the 333 ‘demands’ I listen whereas the 1210 ‘allows’ me to listen - hope that makes sense. Probably true of most digital vs vinyl debates. However I listen to a lot of beat-driven electronic music and for that alone the 1210 makes me smile. It is completely engaging and the ‘act’ of playing a record is far more immersive than swiping across tracks on an iPhone.

I’m very privileged to be able to have both a top flight streamer and a great TT…


Totally agree 8)

It is all about the music, but for me that meant clubbing in my formative years, which means Technics decks and hot sweaty dark nightclubs. The act of cueing up my 1200, even on music that isn’t associated with that context, is just great fun!

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